Rates Estimator 2024-25

Look up the estimated rates for your property in 2024/25.  The rates estimate below is based on what has been proposed in the draft Long-Term Plan 2024-25.

This calculator provides estimated rates based on property values as at 31 January 2024.

Your actual rates will be determined by a range of things, including the decisions made as part of the Long-Term Plan and changes to property values.  Some properties rates will change due to council revaluations which affect capital valuations. These are done on individual properties when improvements occur and are done district wide every three years.  At the time of the estimator calculation revaluations were not completed for Clutha District Council area ratepayers.

If you have any questions about the estimated rates on your property (including if you think an error has been made) please contact customerservices@orc.govt.nz or phone 0800 474 082.


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