Revenue and Financing Policy 2020-21

Financing the Purchase of Fixed Assets (Excluding Infrastructural Assets)

Council finances its purchases of fixed assets from its Asset Replacement Reserve. Such assets include motor vehicles, plant and equipment and computers.
Depreciation on Council fixed assets is funded and this income is placed in the Asset Replacement Reserve, along with any proceeds from the sale of assets. This reserve also attracts interest income on the balance of the reserve. This reserve is used for the purpose of financing the purchase of fixed assets.

Financing Capital Expenditure on Infrastructural Assets

Most infrastructural assets (such as floodbanks, pumping stations and drains) are assigned to specific special rating districts. Ratepayers within these districts fund the depreciation on these assets. Each special rating district has a “Funded Depreciation Reserve” set up which represents the balance of the amount of depreciation revenue rates for, and any interest earned on reserve balances. The purpose of this reserve is the funding of capital expenditure and the cost of renewals on the infrastructural assets being depreciated.
It is Council’s policy that infrastructural assets be financed by the “Funded Depreciation Reserves”, and if there are insufficient funds available in these reserves, borrowing (either internal or external) will be used.

Financing Major Projects

Tools to fund major capital projects will be considered on a case by case basis. Where necessary or appropriate, Council may borrow either internally or externally to fund a major project. Such projects (including the repayment of any associated borrowing) may be funded by any of the funding tools available to Council such as rating, dividend income, reserves, fees and charges and cash balances held by Council. In determining the appropriate funding tools, consideration will be given to matters such as the benefits arising from the project, the project costs, and the impacts and consequences of the project.


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