On 8 August 2015, the Otago Regional Council formally notified Proposed Plan Change 5A (Lindis: Integrated water management), changing the Regional Plan: Water for Otago (Water Plan). These changes seek to set minimum flows and allocation limits for the Lindis River and maximum allocation limits for the aquifers in the Bendigo-Tarras Basin.
Background information relating to Plan Change 5A, including materials referenced in the Section 32 Evaluation Report, technical data and the “Guide to preparing a resource consent application to take surface water including a deemed permit” can be downloaded below:
Technical Report: Update of scientific work in the Lindis catchment: 2008-2015, ORC, 2016 (2 MB)
Information Sheet Lindis Catchment and Bendigo-Tarras Basin, ORC, 2015 (3 MB)
Technical Report: Management Flows for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Lindis River, ORC, 2008 (600 KB)
Technical Report: Bendigo and Tarras Groundwater Allocation Study, ORC, 2010 (1 MB)
Lindis Catchment Water Resource Study, ORC, 2014 (6 MB)
Review of the science supporting the proposed minimum flow regime (NIWA) (1 MB)
Economic Impacts of minimum flow regimes on the Lindis River (Berl Economics) (1 MB)
Addendum to Section 4.3 of the Berl Report (109 KB)
Water Quality in the Lindis River Catchment (1 MB)
Click here to view the technical data
Lindis Catchment Topo (No overlays) (4 MB)
Lindis Catchment Aerial (3 MB)
Lindis Catchment Aerial (No overlays) (4 MB)
Lindis Catchment Topo –Middle and Lower catchment only (3 MB)
Lindis Catchment Topo –Middle and Lower catchment only (No overlays) (4 MB)
Lindis Catchment Aerial –Middle and Lower catchment only (5 MB)
Lindis Catchment Aerial –Middle and Lower catchment only (No overlays) (6 MB)
National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2014 (325 KB)
Otago Economic Overview, BERL Economics, 2012 (3 MB)
Between 2009 and 2015, Council hosted six community workshops to discuss the policy framework for managing surface water and groundwater in Otago, share scientific information about the Lindis River and the aquifers in the Bendigo-Tarras Basin and listen to people’s views on what they consider to be important values and uses supported by the area’s water resources.
A first community workshop was held at the Tarras Community Hall on Thursday 19 Feb 2009. The purpose of this workshop was to listen to people’s views on what they consider to be important values and uses supported by the area’s water resources.
Workshop 1: Key themes from small group discussion (48 KB)
Workshop 1: Presentation (2 MB)
The second community workshop was held on Tuesday 11 May 2010. During this workshop attendees were invited to consider the effect of different minimum flow regimes and on community identified values.
Workshop 2: Comments and feedback (90 KB)
Workshop 2: Flow matrix assessment (191 KB)
Workshop 2: Presentation (1 MB)
Workshop 2: Science Presentation (13 MB)
During a third community workshop, held on Tuesday 22 March 2011, ORC staff discussed in greater detail the interaction between the surface and groundwater resources of the Lindis catchment.
Workshop 3: Presentation 1 (917 KB)
Workshop 3: Presentation 2: Groundwater (2 MB)
On Wednesday 30 November 2011, ORC hosted a fourth community workshop. This public workshop discussed flow scenarios and management options for the management of the surface and groundwater resources in the Lindis, based on the options of with or without the Tarras Water Irrigation proposal.
Workshop 4: Presentation (21 MB)
Workshop 4: Regime Handout (219 KB)
During a fifth community workshop on Tuesday 1 April 2014 ORC staff presented a consultation draft of the proposed Plan Change with a recommended option for managing the Lindis River and the aquifers in the Bendigo-Tarras Basin.
Workshop 5: Key themes (459 KB)
Workshop 5: Presentation (5 MB)
Consultation Draft - Proposed Plan Change 5A (3 MB)
Draft Section 32 Evaluation Report – Proposed Plan Change 5A (317 KB)
On 26 April 2014, in accordance with clause 3, Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the ORC released for consultation a draft of the proposed changes to the Water Plan and a draft Section 32 report outlining the rationale for these proposed changes. Comments that were received on the consultation draft were incorporated into Proposed Plan Change 5A (Lindis: Integrated water management), which was publicly notified on Saturday 8 August 2015, in accordance with clause 5, Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Following community feedback on the consultation draft and the gathering of additional information after its release, staff presented a revised management option during a sixth workshop in Wednesday 1 April 2015.
Workshop 6: Key themes (146 KB)
Workshop 6: Presentation (1 MB)
For further information please contact Tom De Pelsemaeker TomD@orc.govt.nz phone 03 474 0827.