Total Mobility is a nationwide scheme that provides subsidised travel to help people stay connected within their community.

Applying for Total Mobility

Eligibility for Total Mobility is based on having an impairment that prevents you from using public transport independently and in a safe, dignified manner.

If this describes you or someone you are supporting, you can apply for a Total Mobility card through one of our assessment agencies. 

The Total Mobility Scheme aids eligible people to keep engaged with their community and support their daily transport needs. Eligibility for the scheme is focused on long-term impairment (6 months or more) from using public transport in a reliable, safe, and dignified manner. Total Mobility card holders can access 75% subsidy off their taxi fare up to a maximum of $37.50 from one of our approved taxi operators.

To confirm your eligibility, you will need to contact one of the Total Mobility agencies listed below and book an assessment.

A person using a Total mobility service.

Assessment agencies in your area

Transport operators

Frequently asked questions

We've tried to answer as many of the questions that people often ask, but please contact us if there is anything you need to know.

About the Total Mobility Scheme

Get a card

Using the card

How to use your Total Mobility card

  1. Contact an approved Total Mobility Transport Operator to book a trip.
  2. Let them know that you are a Total Mobility Client and if you require a hoist vehicle.
  3. Some Operators need to swipe your Total Mobility card at the start of the trip so please always show your driver your card before you start your journey.
  4. Enjoy your journey.
  5. Swipe the Total Mobility card at the end of the trip (the end of your trip is the first location you are a travelling to) and pay your portion to the driver.
  6. Keep a receipt of your payment.


New operators

We are always on the lookout for new Total Mobility providers across Otago.

By becoming a Total Mobility provider, you’ll be making a difference to the people whose transport needs are the greatest – and you’ll be accessing a wider market that will make your operation more competitive.

Please note the following:

  • Drivers must have appropriate qualifications: Unit Standard 1748, Unit Standard 15165 (for drivers of hoist-equipped vehicles only).
  • Vehicles must be less than 9 years old and have mileage less than 250,000km. Council has discretion to grant a written exemption to these requirements.
  • You will require a payment terminal that accepts Total Mobility cards.
  • As an ORC contractor you will need to have a health and safety policy, and to receive health and safety approval; see below.

More detailed information about requirements for operators can be found in the full Total Mobility contract. For informational purposes only, a blank contract can be found [here].

If you want to proceed, the first steps are:

  • Get in touch with the Total Mobility Coordinator to let us know your interest: either call Customer Service, or email
  • Fill out the New Supplier Request Form and the medium/high risk health and safety form, both available here, and send both to

From here, if we are interested in proceeding, we will send you a contract to sign and will work through further steps and checks to get you onboard.

New assessment agencies

We are always on the lookout for new assessment agencies to partner with us in delivering the Total Mobility scheme. We value our agencies for their deep reach in the community and their understanding of the clients they serve.

The primary role of the assessment agency is to evaluate the eligibility of potential Total Mobility clients. Assessments are typically done either at the agency’s office, or the client’s home. Depending on the nature of their impairment(s), the potential client may need assistance from a caregiver.

The goal of assessment is to guide and assist the potential client through the application, and to then submit the application on their behalf. As well as assessing the client’s eligibility, the assessor should be ensuring that Total Mobility is the best option for the client, as other sources of funding are available for travel in some circumstances.

Once a client is approved for Total Mobility, the assessing agency has an ongoing role as an intermediary between the client and the council. Clients often contact agencies about Total Mobility issues such as lost cards or complaints, and the council works with the agency to keep its client database up to date and renew cards when they reach expiry date.

A wide variety of organisations can act as assessing agencies. Typically, agencies are social support organisations, which can either have a narrow focus (specific impairments, membership organisations) or a broad focus (available to anyone). In other parts of New Zealand, care homes and GP surgeries sometimes act as assessing agencies; Otago does not currently have any agencies along these lines, although several agencies have connections to care homes.

Any agencies interested in joining Total Mobility should get in contact with the Total Mobility Coordinator, either by emailing, or calling Customer Service 0800 474 082