Community event

Shaping the future of Lake Tuakitoto

Thursday 7 June 2018 - 1 January 0001

7.00 pm

Venue: Kaitangata Hall, 19 Eddystone St, Kaitangata

Get involved! Following on from our first workshop in April, we are holding the second in a series of workshops to develop the surrounds of Lake Tuakitoto.

Lake Tuakitoto

In this session, we will be presenting a draft of community goals for Lake Tuakitoto. These goals have been drafted from your input in the first session. We then want to hear your ideas about what community projects need to be initiated to deliver these goals.

We encourage everyone with an interest in the future of Lake Tuakitoto to come along to this session, as we progress towards creating a lake environment that our community can be proud of and enjoy.

Got Questions?

Contact Chantal Whitby
on 0800 474 0827 or