We’ve taken our water data to the next level
This portal gives you the latest environmental data, such as water levels, rainfall, flow, temperature and much more. More quality data means you will be able to make better decisions. With this portal you are able to:
Watch a webinar introducing the Environmental Data Portal.
The Otago Regional Council switched to the Environmental Data Portal (EDP) because it offered much more information than what was available on the ORC website.
The portal collates data from more than 350 monitoring sites around Otago and replaces the existing flood and low flow warning sites currently available on this website.
The EDP provides access to a user-friendly map which includes improved context of what is happening across the region, plus the ability to view and download up to 80 years of historical data for some sites.
The ability to access more comprehensive, up-to-date data, combined with an improved interface, means a much better user experience for people needing information on rainfall and river flow or levels.
The old system was switched off late 2023.
You can easily update your bookmarks or favourites by replacing it with the same location on the new portal.
Simply navigate to the location page on the EDP and add it to your bookmarks or favourites.
The following assistance is available on the EDP: