Guide to help applicants in whether they will need to talk to a technical expert.

Depending on the potential effects your activity could cause, the scale of the activity and the location, technical expertise may be required to prepare an application that can be accepted by Council for processing. If technical expertise is needed, there are still aspects of the forms that you will be able to complete yourself, should you want to.

The below table is a guide to whether you should seek advice from a technical expert to either prepare a consent application or to provide a technical memo covering assessment of environmental effects that could result from the activity. Please note each application is different in terms of the scale and nature of the activity. If you are wanting specific advice for your application or if your activity is not listed below, please contact for more information.

We also offer pre-application meetings to discuss or review your application. Information on these can be found on our "Before applying for a consent" page.

Land use activities

Consent Type

Can I fill in the technical aspects of the form on my own?

Potential Expert Advice required

Constructing a bore




Disturbing a contaminated site


  • Contaminated land specialist

Undertaking residential earthworks

Depends on scale.  You will need assistance preparing an erosion and sediment control plan that meets GD05 requirements (Auckland Guidelines that need to be complied with)

  • Planner
  • Environmental Management Consultant specialising in construction

Constructing a Defence Against Water and associated diversion of flood flows


  • Natural Hazard Analyst
  • Hydrologist


Water permits – taking water

Consent Type

Can I fill in the technical aspects of the form on my own?

Potential Expert Advice required

Surface water take - PC7 controlled activity


  • None

Surface water take - PC7 non-complying activity


  • Ecologist
  • Hydrologist
  • Planner

Surface water take – New


Dependent on scale you may require input from technical experts.

  • Ecologist
  • Hydrologist
  • Planner

Groundwater take

Is the take a small-scale replacement application? Yes

Otherwise - No

  • Groundwater scientist

Working in waterways

Consent Type

Can I fill in the technical aspects of the form on my own?

Potential Expert Advice required

Constructing a dam
(please note this relates to the physical construction of a dam whether in the bed of a river or outside)

Is this a small dam where the catchment upstream is relatively small and there is no risk to downstream landowners? Yes

Otherwise - No

  • Chartered professional engineer
  • If fish are present at the site you will need to talk to an ecologist

Damming or diverting water
(related to the damming of water in a lake or river by a dam)

Is the damming and diverting of water a short term activity to allow other works while flows are low? Yes

Otherwise - No

  • Ecologist
  • Hydrologist

Stream clearance

Is the work going to be undertaken in a one-off event when the watercourse is dry, and is there a recent fish survey that has been undertaken in the immediate area where clearance is proposed? Yes

Otherwise - No

  • Ecologist

Placing structures in the bed of a watercourse

Dependent on what the structure is, whether it is new or replacement and whether there are other legislative requirements. Please contact consent.enquiries@orc.govt for specific guidance on this.

  • Chartered professional engineer
  • Ecologist
  • Natural Hazard Analyst

Alteration of the bed of a watercourse

If this is a small alteration that would take place when watercourse is dry - Yes

  • Ecologist
  • Planner

Reclamation of a watercourse


  • Planner
  • Ecologist

Gravel extraction

If a one-off activity – Yes
Otherwise - No

  • Natural Hazard Analyst
  • Ecologist 

Undertaking works within or in close proximity to a natural wetland


  • Ecologist – wetland specialist
  • Planner

Discharge permits

Consent Type

Can I fill in the technical aspects of the form on my own?

Potential Expert Advice required

Small scale septic tank discharge

Is the discharge is within 50 metres of a watercourse, bore or the coastal marine area? No

Otherwise - Yes but you should provide capability information on the system.

  • Ecologist – dependent on if close proximity to surface water
  • Person who designed/installed/serviced the system for an operating report

Larger scale discharge (greater than 6,000 L/d)


  • Groundwater scientist if groundwater could be affected (e.g. within a groundwater protection zone)
  • Ecologist – dependent on if close proximity to surface water
  • Person who designed/installed/serviced the system for an operating report

Discharge of contaminants to air


  • Air Scientist

Coastal permits

Consent Type

Can I fill in the technical aspects of the form on my own?

Potential Expert Advice required

Coastal Permit – replacement or new mooring

Yes – ensure you consult with Harbourmaster and Customary Marine Title Groups prior to lodging


Occupying coastal marine area with an existing structure (e.g. boat shed)

Yes – ensure you consult with Harbourmaster and Customary Marine Title Groups prior to lodging


Placing a new structure in the coastal marine area

Depending on the scale of the structure, yes. Ensure you consult with Harbourmaster and Customary Marine Title Groups prior to lodging

May need to consider:

  • Ecology – coastal expert
  • Planner

Farming systems

Consent Type

Can I fill in the technical aspects of the form on my own?

Potential Expert Advice required

Discharge of liquid animal effluent to land (the system)


Technical work relating to the design or assessment of the storage facility and storage capacity needs to be prepared by a suitably qualified person. You can prepare your management plan yourself, but you may wish to talk to an advisor about this.

Use of land for animal effluent storage facility


Technical work relating to the design or assessment of the storage facility and storage capacity needs to be prepared by a suitably qualified person. You can prepare your management plan yourself, but you may wish to talk to an advisor about this.

Use of land and discharge of contaminants from a feedlot or stockholding area


If you are discharging effluent to land in an area that presents a risk to water quality you may want to talk to a water quality scientist, but this is location specific. 

Land Use Consent – Farm conversion


  • Farm systems expert
  • Planner
  • Hydrologist

Intensive Grazing (short term)




We cannot provide guidance on which technical expert to engage, however most companies are easy to find through a google search or word of mouth.

Below is a brief list of what each expert could provide that may assist your application:

  • Resource Management Planner
    • General planning advice such rule interpretation
    • Putting together an assessment of environmental effects and/or policy assessment

  • Ecologist
    • Undertake ecological/ fish surveys
    • Prepare an assessment of effects on ecological/ aquatic values
    • Recommend mitigation measures to incorporate into your proposal
    • Provide guidance on NES matters including fish passage requirements and identifying natural wetlands

  • Hydrologist
    • Undertake flow gauging
    • Provide information on mean annual low flows
    • Undertake historic water use analysis
    • Provide recommendations on appropriate mitigation if required (e.g. residual flow)

  • Farming systems expert
    • Provide advice on new rules
    • Provide management plans
    • Assist in design of systems

  • Chartered Engineer
    • Design structure (e.g. dam, bridge)
    • Provide information on structural requirements
    • Provide assessment on integrity, erosion, scour
    • Prepare management plans and reports

  • Groundwater scientist
    • Undertake aquifer test
    • Undertake assessment on potentially affected bores

  • Natural hazards
    • Flood management
    • Flood probability modelling
    • Gravel availability and impacts of extraction

  • Scientist
    • Provide guidance and assessment of effects based on their area of expertise (i.e. air, wetland etc)

Once an application is lodged and is being assessed by Council, we may choose to get your application audited by our own technical experts (either internal or external). This is simply an audit of the information provided rather than repeating the assessment that has been undertaken by your technical expert. This will not result in any new work or produce new information however additional information may be requested if the information supplied needs clarification or is insufficient.

Page last updated 5 July 2024.