Our changing climate poses unique challenges to the Otago region, but it also provides new opportunities.

It is time to focus on building a more resilient Otago that is dedicated to reducing emissions and responding proactively to the impacts of climate change.  

The impact of climate change in our region will result in new risks and challenges, but also opportunities. These challenges and opportunities will be widespread, influencing our natural and urban environments, our economy, society and culture. 

What does climate change mean for Otago?


Summary of expected climatic changes for the Otago Region


What do these terms mean?

Our approach to climate change requires us to reduce our emissions and remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere to mitigate the impacts of our changing climate. Additionally, we must adapt to the changes that are already in motion.

Mitigation: this means making changes to decrease the amount of greenhouse gasses we are releasing into the atmosphere.

Adaptation: this means building the resilience of our communities by helping them to be more prepared and reducing exposure to risk from drought, flooding, wildfire, storms, sea level rise and other natural hazards.

Sequestration: this means using nature-based solutions – such as tree planting and wetland restoration – to remove carbon that has already been released into the atmosphere.


Climate change projects

Page last updated 28 August 2024.