Otago is New Zealand's third largest region and home to a diverse landscape, from rugged coastlines to spectacular mountains and alpine lakes.

Our environment is our most important asset. That is why we must ensure the sustainable use of our natural resources. The future of our beautiful region starts with protecting and caring for it today.

Discover some of the projects we are currently working on alongside mana whenua and the community. 

Head of Lake Whakatipu - Whakatipu-wai-Māori

The landscape at the head of Lake Whakatipu is made up of the mountains, streams, floodplains and large rivers feeding into the lake – this magnificent natural setting makes the area an attractive place to live in or visit. However, it also means that this area is exposed to many natural hazard risks.

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Hill Country Erosion

The Hill Country Erosion Programme helps Otago landowners manage erosion-prone hill country by offering planting guides and expert advice. Supported by the Otago Regional Council, the programme focuses on protecting the environment and supporting sustainable forestry practices across the region.

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Maintaining the Gains

A partnership project with Aukaha to control pest plants across 16 QEII covenants in the coastal Dunedin area.

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Roto-Nui-a-Whatu / Lake Tuakitoto

Otago Regional Council is working with the community to enhance and protect this regionally significant wetland and its biodiversity. Part of this is educating the wider community about how important wetlands are to our environment, and why we are all working to protect them.

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South Dunedin

South Dunedin is an important part of Dunedin City. It’s a vibrant and diverse community that tens of thousands call home. Otago Regional Council has been collecting and analysing information about the natural hazards faced by South Dunedin.

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Toitū Te Hakapupu: The Pleasant River Catchment Restoration Project

A partnership project with Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki to improve the health of the rivers and estuary in the Pleasant River Catchment.

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Tomohaka / Tomahawk Lagoon

Working with different community groups and members of the community, Otago Regional Council is working to enhance the Tomahawk Lagoon Catchment through community action to contribute to a healthy ecosystem for all to enjoy.

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Waitaki catchment integrated freshwater management

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