Submissions on ORC plans and policy statements

The Resource Management Act 1991 requires councils to develop and maintain plans that manage the environment. If part of any plan needs to change or be completely updated, there are steps the council needs to take. Part of this process is to seek feedback from the public by way of submissions.

Click here to see open consultations.

You can also make a submission on an application for resource consent, read more about this here.

The five stages of the consultation process

Everything you need to know about making a submission

This is a new process for most people, and we want you to feel confident at each step. If you follow the list below the submission process should be smooth sailing.

Other information

A submission (or part of your submission) may be struck out if the authority is satisfied that at least one of the following applies to the submission (or part of the submission):

  • It is frivolous or vexatious
  • It discloses no reasonable or relevant case
  • It would be an abuse of the hearing process to allow the submission (or the part) to be taken further
  • It contains offensive language
  • It is supported only by material that purports to be independent expert evidence but has been prepared by a person who is not independent or who does not have sufficient specialised knowledge or skill to give expert advice on the matter.