Media release

Clutha and Taieri flood protection and land drainage scheme meetings

Friday 4 April 2014

The Otago Regional Council (ORC) is hosting public meetings in Balclutha and Mosgiel to update residents about their flood protection and drainage schemes, and flood hazard.

The Clutha meetings are being held at the Balclutha War Memorial Hall from 7pm on Tuesday 8 April, with follow up drop in sessions in the Somerville Lounge from 11am to 3pm on Wednesday 9 April.

Meetings for Taieri residents are at the Mosgiel Coronation Hall from 7pm on Wednesday 9 April, with drop in sessions at the Mosgiel Library from 10am to 2pm and 3pm to 5.30pm on Thursday 10 April.

ORC director engineering, hazards, and science Gavin Palmer said the council organises a series of meetings on the schemes every year. They give people a chance to talk to ORC councillors and staff, and ask questions about the local flood risk.

“ORC constantly reviews its schemes, and just last month it commissioned new pumps at the Waipori station, which will future proof land drainage for part of the Taieri Plain,” Dr Palmer said.

“While we can’t completely eliminate flood risk, it’s useful for everyone to be up-to-date with how the schemes work and what protection they offer. These meetings are a good opportunity for locals to learn about the potential effects of the flood hazard in their area,” he said.

Dr Palmer said as part of its 2014/15 Draft Annual Plan council is consulting on spending $8 million on maintenance and development of its flood and drainage schemes. Anyone can make a submission on this and any other part of the plan by Friday 2 May 2014.

Planned discussion topics at the meetings include:

  • How the schemes operate
  • Key work proposed for local flood protection and land drainage schemes
  • The natural hazards that affect these areas.

For more information contact

Dr Gavin Palmer
Director engineering, hazards, and science
03 474 0827 or 0274 933 960