Media release

Options and solutions under investigation for discontinued commercial school bus services

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Along with the community, the Regional Council has been surprised by the sudden and short notice advice that several school services operated by GoBus will be discontinued from the end of this term.

These services were run on a strictly commercial basis, meaning that GoBus operated them independently for profit without subsidies from the Regional Council, Ministry of Education, or individual schools.

While the GoBus services, and their removal, were outside the Regional Council’s control, Regional Council staff are disappointed at the timing of the announcement and the lack of notice given by the operator to school communities affected.

There have been several calls from the community for the Regional Council to take action on this. Staff are working on a discussion paper for consideration at next week’s Council meeting that will provide some initial commentary and potential options.

What those potential options could be are still being worked through, but could include for example, investigation of options for service subsidy by individual schools, the Ministry of Education or the Regional Council.

We understand that GoBus’s announcement has put communities under strain and want to work towards finding solutions to enable safe public transport options to school and back.

For more information contact:

Gerard Collings
Manager support services
Otago Regional Council
Ph 0800 474082 or 0274 848800

Communications contact:
Eleanor Ross
Senior strategic communications and engagement advisor
Otago Regional Council
Ph 027 558 9914