Media release

Love Your Leith project makes strides

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Visionary concepts for enhancement of the lower reaches of Water of Leith have been endorsed by Otago Region Council for further public consultation today.

In order to develop the potential concepts for the Forth St to Harbour section of the Leith, one of the final stages of the Leith Flood Protection Scheme, the ORC has gathered extensive community ideas and feedback on YourSay - ORC’s online engagement platform, at face-to-face focus groups and via the Leith Project Working Group. The Working Group is a collaboration of key stakeholders tasked with considering all feedback from the community and developing potential design concepts to recommend to ORC Council.

Improving access to the Leith was the most common feedback response from the community, followed by improving pedestrian connectivity between the University of Otago campus, the Forsyth Barr stadium and the Harbour. In terms of aesthetics, almost all feedback received requested a ‘natural-looking’ and meandering ‘stream’ to be created, linking the city to the sea.

High-level concepts workshopped to Councillors in May have been developed into more comprehensive illustrations, which are now ready for the community.

“We’re looking forward to taking these illustrations back to the community to ask, what you love about them and have we got it right? With this part of the Leith being used more for events at the stadium and walking along the harbour, it’s really important to us that what can be achieved reflects the community voice, whilst maintaining flood protection and the safety of this iconic river”, says Sian Sutton Director Stakeholder Engagement.

“The community’s feedback from this consultation will feed into the Working Group’s final recommendations to ORC Council,” Ms Sutton says.

Hydraulic testing has confirmed feasibility of the concepts however, further hydraulic analysis will be completed during the detailed design stage to understand potential affects upstream of Forth St and ensure integrity of the flood protection scheme.

Cr Andrew Noone said, “The Leith enhancement has been going on for some years, so this is a significant milestone. Well done to all those concerned. I look forward to the construction phase and seeing the community able to use that fabulous space”.

YourSay platform:

Click here to view Potential Concepts>>

For further information please contact:
Sian Sutton – Director Stakeholder Engagement ORC - 027 575 1799

Communications contact:
Emma Schranz - Senior Media Advisor ORC - 0276275894