Media release

Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust presents 2019-20 annual report to ORC

Thursday 29 October 2020

Joint Media Release: Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust & Otago Regional Council

The Trust undertook a record number of rescues and flew 14 percent more mission hours than last year.

The Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust presented its report to an Otago Regional Council (ORC) meeting yesterday. Councillors also enjoyed an informative visit to the HeliOtago’s hangar at the Taieri Aerodrome.

ORC is a major funder of the Trust, donating $350,000 annually.

ORC Chair Andrew Noone said the report showed HeliOtago, the rescue service operator, has had another busy year.

“HeliOtago and the Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust do incredibly valuable work for Otago and beyond.

“In the last year, HeliOtago undertook 1,328 emergency patient retrievals across the lower South Island, which is a significant 11 percent increase on the previous year. Since 2018, they’ve also upped their capacity with an increase in the number of dedicated machines and upgrades to on-board medical equipment.

“ORC is very pleased to continue our support of the Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust and their important service to the lower South Island.”

The Annual Report was presented by Martin Dippie, Chair of the Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust, Graeme Gale, Managing Director HeliOtago, and Vivienne Seaton, Secretary Manager of the Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust.

Their presentation highlighted some of the challenges the Trust and HeliOtago had encountered as a result of Covid-19, including transporting Covid-19 patients and implementing strict measures to keep staff safe.

Trust Chair Martin Dippie thanked the community for its support.

“The Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust relies on the community to support the outstanding rescue helicopter service provided by HeliOtago, which ensures critical help is provided to patients often in remote and desperate situations. We are grateful for the incredible support provided by individuals and organisations across the region.”

To view the Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust’s 2020 Annual Report, visit


Otago Regional Councillors visited the HeliOtago hangar at the Taieri Aerodrome. From left, Cr Marian Hobbs, HeliOtago Managing Director Graeme Gale, ORC Chief Executive Sarah Gardner, Cr Andrew Noone, Cr Alexa Forbes, Cr Garry Kelliher, Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust Chair Martin Dippie, Cr Bryan Scott, Cr Gretchen Robertson, and Cr Michael Deaker.

Otago Regional Councillors visited the HeliOtago hangar at the Taieri Aerodrome. From left, Cr Marian Hobbs, HeliOtago Managing Director Graeme Gale, ORC Chief Executive Sarah Gardner, Cr Andrew Noone, Cr Alexa Forbes, Cr Garry Kelliher, Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust Chair Martin Dippie, Cr Bryan Scott, Cr Gretchen Robertson, and Cr Michael Deaker.