Public notice

Public consultation: He Mahi Rau Rika: Significance, Engagement and Maori Participation Policy

Monday 19 July 2021

ORC is consulting on this draft policy, which is proposed to replace the current Significance and Engagement Policy.

The proposed new policy, which has been drafted in partnership with mana whenua, provides an updated framework on when and how we will engage the wider community as part of decision making processes, and embeds a commitment to partnership with mana whenua.

The Local Government Act 2002 outlines the requirement for every local authority to adopt a Significance and Engagement Policy setting out an approach to identifying the degree of significance attached to issues, proposals, assets, decisions, and activities and providing clarity about how and when communities can expect to be engaged in decisions.

Feedback on the draft is invited. Anyone can make a submission.

You can view the draft and make a submission at from midday Monday 19 July, or call our customer experience team on 0800 474 082 to request a hard copy. Submissions can also be made by email to

Submissions close at 5pm Monday 16 August.
Hearings are scheduled for the week commencing 30 August.