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Friday 26 September 2014
The Otago Regional Council has available the summary of decisions requested by persons who have made submissions on Proposed Plan Changes 3B (Pomahaka catchment minimum flow) and 4C (Groundwater management: Cromwell Terrace Aquifer).
Proposed Plan Change 3B (Pomahaka catchment minimum flow)
Proposed Plan Change 3B (Pomahaka catchment minimum flow) seeks to set a minimum flow and water allocation regime for the Pomahaka River catchment and its associated Alluvial Ribbon Aquifer into Schedule 2 of the Water Plan.
Proposed Plan Change 4C (Groundwater management: Cromwell Terrace Aquifer)
Proposed Plan Change 4C (Groundwater management: Cromwell Terrace Aquifer) seeks to set a maximum allocation limit for this aquifer in Schedule 4A of the Water Plan.
These summaries of decisions requested may be inspected at:
Otago Regional Council offices at:
All public libraries and city and district council offices throughout the Otago Region
The Otago Regional Council website: Proposed Plan Change 3B (Pomahaka catchment minimum flow) and Proposed Plan Change 4C (Groundwater management: Cromwell Terrace Aquifer).
The full submissions can be inspected at:
Any office of the Otago Regional Council and on the Council website Proposed Plan Change 3B (Pomahaka catchment minimum flow) and Proposed Plan Change 4C (Groundwater management: Cromwell Terrace Aquifer).
Certain persons may make a further submission in support of or opposition to the submissions received on these proposals. Clause 8 of Schedule 1 Resource Management Act 1991 identifies those persons who may make a further submission as:
(a) Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; or
(b) Any person that has an interest in the proposed plan change greater than the general public has.
A further submission must state whether you support or oppose an original submission and whether or not you wish to be heard on your further submission. Further submissions must be in writing and further submission forms are available by phoning the Council on 0800 474 082, from the above sites, or online Proposed Plan Change 3B (Pomahaka catchment minimum flow) and Proposed Plan Change 4C (Groundwater management: Cromwell Terrace Aquifer)
Further submissions close at 5.00pm on Friday 10 October 2014.
Post to: Otago Regional Council, Private Bag 1954, Dunedin 9054
Fax to: (03) 479 0015
Email to:
Online: Proposed Plan Change 3B (Pomahaka catchment minimum flow)
Proposed Plan Change 4C (Groundwater management: Cromwell Terrace Aquifer)
Deliver to: Otago Regional Council offices at:
A copy of your further submission must be served on the original submitter within five working days after making the further submission to the Otago Regional Council.
The process for public participation, after the closing date for further submissions, is:
Fraser McRae
Director Policy and Resource Planning