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Thursday 6 August 2015
The Otago Regional Council has prepared Proposed Plan Change 5A (Lindis: Integrated water management) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago, which seeks to set:
This proposed plan change will have legal effect from 8 August 2015, in accordance with section 86B(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991.
You may do so by sending a written submission to the Otago Regional Council. The submission must be in Form 5 and must state whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission. Copies of Form 5 are available by phoning the Council on 0800 474 082, or can be found on our website here.
Post to:
Otago Regional Council
Private Bag 1954
Dunedin 9054
Fax to:
(03) 479 0015
Email to:
Deliver to:
Submissions close at 5.00pm on Friday 4 September 2015
The process for public participation in consideration of the proposed plan change under the Resource Management Act 1991 is:
Fraser McRae
Director Policy Planning & Resource Management