Media release

Notice of environment court appeals on the proposed Otago regional policy statement 2021

Friday 24 May 2024

On 30 March 2024 the Otago Regional Council publicly notified its decision regarding submissions on the non-freshwater parts of the proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement 2021, in accordance with Schedule 1, Clause 10(4)(b) of the Resource Management Act 1991.

The Otago Regional Council has received 19 notices of appeal to the Environment Court.

The Otago Regional Council will maintain an appeals website where all appeal documents will be uploaded (“the Appeals Website”).

All notices of appeal are on the Appeals Website.

The Appeals Website is at:

The requirement for parties to serve a copy of each notice of appeal on submitters who did not provide an address for service has been waived by the Environment Court.

Advice to submitters on matters appealed

How to become party to proceedings

You may be a party to an appeal if you made a submission or a further submission on the matter of the appeal.

To become a party to an appeal, you must within 15 working days after the period for lodging a notice of appeal ends:

  • lodge a notice of your wish to be a party to the proceedings (in form 33 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003) electronically with the Environment Court by email to; and
  • serve copies of your notice on the relevant local authority by email at and on the appellant by email to the address for service provided in the notice of appeal.

The requirement to lodge a signed original and one hard copy of your notice with the Environment Court has been waived by the Environment Court.

Service of your notice on all other parties will be deemed to be effected by the Otago Regional Council uploading the notice onto the Appeals Website.

Your right to be a party to the proceedings in the court may be limited by the trade competition provisions in section 274(1) and Part 11A of the Resource Management Act 1991.

You may apply to the Environment Court under section 281 of the Resource Management Act 1991 for a waiver of the above timing or service requirements (see form 38 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003).


If you have any questions about this notice, contact the Environment Court in Auckland, Wellington, or Christchurch.

View Notice of environment court appeals on the proposed Otago regional policy statement 2021