Wednesday 30 October 2024
Enviroschools has announced a record six hui are scheduled for schools across Otago during Term 4 – spanning October through to early-December.
Enviroschools Regional Coordinator Lead, Leisa de Klerk, says the six hui for this term is a record – the most ever been undertaken in a single term.
“The main focus on these student hui is giving young people the skills and knowledge as leaders of their school to create and maintain environmental change within their communities,” she says.
Mrs de Klerk says media are welcome to attend any of the hui, and they should contact her directly to confirm start times and when student activity periods are scheduled (contact details below).
“We work hard to inspire both the teachers and students at these hui to go back to their school and take begin taking practical next steps in the next stage of their sustainability journey,” Mrs de Klerk says.
Covering ages from early childhood through to year 10, these hui are delivered to a wide range of schools within their own communities.
Mrs de Klerk says accessibility to environmental education is a priority for Enviroschools, which is why it holds hui locally, with local experts who know their areas best.
“This gives students the opportunity to gain hands on experience, outside the classroom, to develop different aspects of the national curriculum; specifically related to our environment and wideranging biodiversity,” she says.
After more than 21 years, Enviroschools programmes across Otago now reaches 101 schools incorporating more than 24,000 pupils, in year-round programmes. The 101st school, Romahapa School, has only joined last month in the Clutha region.
Enviroschools is a nationwide programme supported by Toimata Foundation and a large network of regional partners. Early childhood centres and schools commit to a long-term sustainability journey, where tamariki/students connect with and explore the environment, then plan, design and take action in their local places in collaboration with their communities.
31st October – Queenstown Year 4-6 Student Hui - Whenua is the land that nourishes life
9.30AM – 2.30PM
Te Kura Whakatipu O Kawarau, 85 Howden Drive, Hanley’s Farm
5th November – Clutha Year 6-10 Student Hui – Waipahi Wetlands Legacy Project
9.30AM – 2.30PM
Waipahi Community Centre, Railway Terrace, Waipahi
N.B. This is a shared project with the Environment Southland
8th November – Waitaki Year 4-6 Student Hui
9:30AM – 2:30PM
Morning at Whitestone City Museum. Afternoon at the Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony.
14th November – Central Otago Year 4-6 Student Hui
9.30AM – 2.30PM
Alexandra Community Gardens and Jolendale Park
29th November – Dunedin Year 6-10 Student Hui
9.30AM – 2.30PM
Port Chalmers Town Hall and Mussell Bay, Port Chalmers.
4th December – Wānaka Year 1-6 Student Hui
9.30AM – 2.30PM
Location TBC