Orbus and COVID-19 update #1

Thursday 9 April 2020

It’s been two weeks at Alert Level 4 for the COVID-19 response, and we’d like to thank our drivers for their continued service.

Essential services only

We also want to thank passengers who are using the buses for essential services only.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, there are a number of people who rely on the bus to get to their work in essential services or to access essential services such as the supermarket. It’s important that only those people catch the bus to give everyone on the bus a greater chance to practice physical distancing.


Do the right thing - Please  do not use the bus
for anything other than this.


We are operating Good Friday and Easter Sunday

To enable essential workers to get around, Orbus will be running on Good Friday and Easter Sunday with the usual Public Holiday timetable.

In other words:

  • Good Friday - Sunday timetable
  • Saturday - normal service
  • Easter Sunday - Sunday timetable
  • Easter Monday - Public Holiday timetable

The Otago Heritage Bus Society will not run its usual Surburban Rumbler.

In Queenstown services are running as per the Alert Level 4 timetable with no change for Easter public holidays.


Track your travel

Contact tracing is an important part of the fight with COVID19. To assist passengers, we have set up an online register to help track of your bus travel at www.orc.govt.nz/public-transport/covid-19. Please do your bit and fill this in online each time you travel to help with contact tracing should we ever need it. If for whatever reason you are unable to use the form, or access the internet, please keep a written diary of your travel. Thanks for being considerate!

Changing times

ORC is paying close attention to advice on public transport as the COVID-19 situation develops. We will keep you updated on the usual channels – our website, Facebook page and via contacting us at transport@orc.govt.nz or calling 0800 ORBUSDN (672 8736).

You can also follow our Facebook page, Orbus Dunedin, for regular updates.