Media release

New strategy to guide Dunedin’s development

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Consultation on Dunedin’s draft Future Development Strategy is now open and will run until 28 February 2024.

The Future Development Strategy (or FDS) will guide how the city grows over the next 30 years and will identify the infrastructure we need to support that growth.

The DCC and Otago Regional Council have jointly developed the draft Future Development Strategy in partnership with mana whenua and supported by Waka Kotahi and Kāinga Ora, and following early engagement with the community in April and May last year.

Mayor of Dunedin Jules Radich says, “The new strategy provides clear direction for how and where Dunedin will grow and what we need to do to make this possible. It also lays out what we want to achieve for our people as well as the urban areas and natural environments we call home.

“We face challenges as a city, but we also have rich opportunities to create a city that works well for residents. This new strategy is a key part of that work, and I encourage everyone to have their say.”

Otago Regional Council Chair Cr Gretchen Robertson says, “This new strategy aims to meet the needs of current and future generations.

“Growth is not just about adding more buildings – it’s about respecting and restoring our natural and built environments and increasing our access to outdoor spaces.

“This strategy positions us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to the vision for Dunedin to be a zero-carbon city. It will also ensure we grow in the right places to protect highly productive land and indigenous biodiversity, and to avoid the impacts of natural hazards and climate change.”

DCC City Development Manager Dr Anna Johnson says the strategy replaces the current Dunedin Spatial Plan and outlines strategic directions for the city’s growth and development for the next 30 years.

“It also considers how we will meet the city’s housing and business space needs and what infrastructure is needed to support our growth and development for the decades ahead,” Dr Johnson says.

The draft strategy also includes a statement of hapū and iwi values and intent for urban development which was prepared by Te Rūnaka o Ōtākou and Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki.

Public consultation runs from 31 January 2024 until 28 February 2024. Hearings for those wishing to speak to their submission will follow in early April and a final Dunedin Future Development Strategy is expected to be released in late June 2024.

Public information sessions, which will give an overview of the draft FDS and allow people to ask questions, are being held on:

  • Thursday 8 February, 12 noon – 2pm (Dunedin Public Art Gallery)
  • Thursday 8 February, 5pm – 7pm (Dunedin Public Art Gallery)
  • Tuesday 13 February, 6pm – 8pm (Mosgiel Coronation Hall)

“As part of the consultation, we’re encouraging people to provide feedback on the options identified for long term growth, and the infrastructure needed to support growth and achieve a well-functioning urban environment, which will support Dunedin to reduce its carbon emissions, build resilience to natural hazards, and support protecting and enhancing biodiversity values, amongst other strategic directions outlined in the FDS.”

The draft strategy is available to view online and at the DCC Civic Centre, libraries and the ORC office in Philip Laing House, Rattray St.