Upcoming events

Get in touch, be involved

We are working with the Glenorchy and surrounding communities, property owners, project partners and consultant experts to talk about natural hazards and possible options for the area. 

We are holding community engagement sessions right through the programme. At these sessions, we talk with you about our findings and listen to your feedback – we value your input. 

You can also subscribe to our monthly newsletter here. Feel free to contact our Natural Hazards team on 0800 474 082 or email us at headofthelake@orc.govt.nz. We will respond to any emailed questions and provide answers from our consultants if needed.

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter

Previous events

Community presentation and drop-in session 10 and 11 September

Come along to a community presentation to learn more about the two latest natural hazards studies for the wider Glenorchy and Kinloch areas. Find out what this information means for you and the community, and explore what future adaptation might look like.

There will be an opportunity to ask the experts any questions you may have.

You can join us in person, or online via livestream.

Glenorchy community presentation 10 September (Livestreamed)

7pm | Tuesday, 10 September | Glenorchy Hall  

Join us to learn more about the findings of the Glenorchy and Kinloch risk analysis and the intervention study for the Rees and Dart floodplains – ask our team any questions.  

Drop-in session 11 September

2pm–7pm | Wednesday, 11 September | Glenorchy Hall 

What might future adaptation look like and how can we work towards it? Play the adaptation township game and have a go at building a pathway to a more resilient Head of the Lake community.

This was another opportunity for you to ask our team any questions in a more one-on-one setting.

Natural Hazards Adaptation Online Presentation May 2024

Presentation of report findings, May 2024

In an online meeting on 22 May 2024, ORC and consultants presented their findings of the work they carried out that investigated the socio-economic impact assessment for the Head of Lake Whakatipu area. The consultants shared their findings and answered questions from the public.
Intro to the project - Dr Jean-Luc Payan, Manager Natural Hazards   
Socio-economic impact assessment – Jo Healy and Jerry Khoo, Beca Ltd

The meeting was recorded and is available on our YouTube channel or below:

Natural Hazards Adaptation Community Workshop Aug 2023

Thursday, 31 August 2023 - 1pm or 6pm

Help shape a natural hazards adaptation plan for your community.

The purpose of this workshop was for the community to keep shaping the direction of the Natural Hazards Adaptation Strategy. We built guiding principles that reflect community values and objectives. We also talked about options for managing and adapting to natural hazards. 

Presentation of report findings, June 2022

In an online meeting on 2 June 2022, ORC and consultants presented their findings from investigations of the flooding and liquefaction hazards in Glenorchy township. 


  • Intro to the project – Dr Jean-Luc Payan, Manager Natural Hazards    
  • Liquefaction hazards – Dr Sjoerd van Ballegooy, Tonkin + Taylor Ltd    
  • Flood hazards – Matthew Gardner, Land River Sea Consulting Ltd    

The meeting was recorded and is available below. You can read the reports here and see the presentation slides. 

 The meeting was recorded and is available below. You can read the reports here, and the presentation slides.



Presentations and other resources