Here are further documents and websites that will help you to put together your freshwater farm plan.
Below are links to key plans and policies relevant to the management of fresh water in Otago:
The Regional Plan: Water for Otago is the primary document that manages water within the region’s boundaries.
The New Regional and National Water Rules are Actions for Healthy Waterways regulations, which are designed to restore and protect the health of New Zealand waterways.
The proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement sets out the course of actions to achieve freshwater health in Otago. Objectives, policies and rules in regional plans give effect to this direction.
The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 is the policy document fresh water in New Zealand is managed under. Regional policy statements give effect to this direction.
The National Environmental Standards for Freshwater are like rules, and they regulate activities that pose risks to the health of fresh water and freshwater ecosystems. Standards for farming activities apply. There are also standards for other activities that relate to fresh water (e.g., with respect to natural inland wetlands and to deal with the effects of structures, such as culverts and fords on the passage of fish).
Fertiliser Association Code of Practice for Fertiliser Nutrient Management
Land, Water, Air Aotearoa (LAWA) - summarises state and trends for key national water quality monitoring sites for freshwater indicators.
The Menu - developed by Waikato stakeholders. Practices for dry stock, hill country sheep and beef, for nutrient management and water quality.
Landscape DNA - maps showing how physiographics relate to contaminant loss and movement and suggested actions.
Our Environment LUC Map Tool - find the Land Use Capability (LUC) classes and sub classes of your farmland.
Our Land & Water actions to include in a farm environment plan
Our Land & Water designing effective farm environment plans
Industry agreed good management practices in Canterbury
Good management practices poster - produced by the Pathway for the Pomahaka Catchment Project
Ministry for the Environment freshwater farm plan guidance docs - for farmers, overview and key steps, catchment context, tangata whenua.
Te Uru Kahika freshwater farm plan guidance doc - freshwater farm plan system and cross-regional boundaries.
B+LNZ Farm Plan Environment Module has some mitigations
ORC regional guidance docs: What is a River? Critical Source Areas
To help you identify contaminant risks in your FWFP and create an action plan to reduce contaminants from entering freshwater bodies, a description of key contaminants is provided below.
Inherent risks (vulnerabilities)
Potentially risky activities
In your farm plan you will need to talk about vulnerabilities and risks to water quality. The below table shows more information on the link between soils and the risk to water quality. To use the table below, look at the properties of your soil from the soil information in the mapping tool, your topography and then the risk to water quality in the table. This will then help you to think about the level of risk to water quality on your farm and on farm actions to reduce these risks.
Table 1: Link between soil characteristics and potential risks to water quality [6]
Soil properties |
Potential risks to water quality |
Slow permeability and poor drainage |
These areas are more prone to overland flow of contaminants to waterways following rainfall events. This poses risk to surface water quality. Pallic soils are dense and have slow permeability and weak soil structure increasing their risk for both N, P and sediment loss due to their susceptibility to waterlogging and erosion. Gley soils are naturally poorly drained and are often wet making them especially susceptible to N leaching loss. Melanic soils high in clay (>50%; Vertic) are subject to shrink-swell behaviour that can create cracks in dry weather that act as conduits for preferential flow of contaminated water (Houlbrooke & Monaghan, 2009). |
Moderate to rapid permeability and moderately well to well drained |
Permeable and well-drained soil (Brown and Recent soil orders) have high rates of water infiltration. As such, these soils are prone to nutrient leaching loss when both high rates of fertiliser are applied and stocking rate is high. Due to the undisturbed and low nutrient status of conservation land (predominantly Brown and Podzol soils), water passing over or through these soils is likely to be uncontaminated. Sediment is more susceptible to enter waterways where erosion can occur on steep slopes with shallow soils. |
Beef and Lamb New Zealand. Adapting to a changing climate fact sheet
DairyNZ. Adverse weather (2023)
Department of Conservation. Fish Passage Management
Dunedin City Council. Planning Map (appeals version)
Kāi Tahu Ki Otago Natural Resource Management Plan 2005
Kāi Tahu Ki Otago. Waitaki Iwi Management Plan 2019
Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA). Can I swim here?
Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA). Lake Quality
Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA). Nitrogen fact sheet
Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA). Phosphorus fact sheet
Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA). River Quality
Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA). Sediment
Lynn IH et al. (2009). The Land Use Capability (LUC) Survey Handbook, 3rd edition
Ministry for the Environment. Developing a freshwater farm plan
Ministry for the Environment. Hazardous Activity Industries List activity
Ministry for the Environment. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 – Amended February 2023
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Principles from te ao Māori the Māori worldview | He aronga Māori ki ngā mātāpono
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA). Climate Change Adaptation Toolbox
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA). New Zealand Freshwater Fish Database
New Zealand Parliamentary Counsel Office. Resource Management (Freshwater Farm Plans) Regulations 2023
New Zealand Parliamentary Counsel Office. Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2017
Otago Regional Council. Climate Change
Otago Regional Council. Consents in Otago
Otago Regional Council. Good practice information
Otago Regional Council. New Regional and National Water Rules
Otago Regional Council. North Otago FMU
Otago Regional Council. North Otago FMU Water Quality State and Trends 2021
Otago Regional Council. Otago Native Planting Guide
Otago Regional Council. Otago Natural Hazards Portal
Otago Regional Council. Otago Region – Regional Plan Maps
Otago Regional Council. Otago Regional Council – Listed Land Use Register: Mapping Resource
Otago Regional Council. Proposed Regional Policy Statement
Otago Regional Council. Regional Plan: Water
Potiki, T. (2019). Mana whenua values framework. Unpublished manuscript.
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. Kā Huru Manu
Waitaki District Council. Waitaki District Plan Mapping
Information to help you develop a Freshwater Farm Plan (FWFP).
Each Otago FMU has unique requirements when creating a required Fresh Water Farm Plan review the Catchment Context, Challenges and Values for the North Otago Freshwater Management Unit.
Freshwater farm plans are a practical way for farmers and growers to identify, manage and reduce the impact of farming on the freshwater environment.
Page last updated 22 June 2024.