ORC has a vision for a low-emissions Otago with resilient ecosystems, communities and businesses. Is this your vision too?

Join the discussion! Is a changing climate of concern to you and have greenhouse gas emissions and changing climate influenced your choices when it comes to things like travel, transport, your purchases, business decisions and where you want to live?

The survey below seeks feedback on Council’s draft mitigation and adaptation goals and whether we could be doing more. The results will help shape a plan aimed at enhancing the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of Otago’s communities. It’ll help us stay proactive and closely aligned with the communities we serve, as we build resilience and navigate a changing environment and climate together.

The survey closes 6 October.

Give your feedback now

Strategic Climate Action Plan 2024-2034

The plan sets a long-term vision, with some 10-year goals and provides a plan of action for Otago Regional Council. We will be collaborating with other organisations, businesses and communities from across Otago to best achieve these goals.

We want to hear from you about your climate action priorities and what you think about the draft plan. You can do this by reading the draft plan, then completing the questionnaire below. 


Action plan

This is the first version of the action plan, which shows what we are doing, and plan to do, to deliver our goals. We already do a lot of work on climate change, as this plan demonstrates.

What happens after feedback closes

Once the survey has closed at the end of 6 October, we will collate and analyse the feedback received and make appropriate revisions to the Strategic Climate Action Plan. The final version of the Strategic Climate Action Plan will go to Council for adoption before Christmas, accompanied by a report summarising the feedback we received, and changes made accordingly.

If you would like to keep in touch with the Strategic Climate Action Plan development process, you can email the team at: strategy@orc.govt.nz.

Give your feedback