Media release

Otago Regional Council opens online consultation on Annual Plan 2020-21

Thursday 26 March 2020

The plan was approved by Council for consultation on 11 March.

Otago Regional Council (ORC) Chair Marian Hobbs said circumstances had changed drastically in the two weeks since the plan was approved for consultation.

“We completed an ambitious Annual Plan for consultation weeks ago. We can't be sure where things are headed in the near future, but the plan outlines what we hope to be able to do from July onwards.

“We’re keen to hear from the Otago community about the proposed Annual Plan. We know there’s a lot of uncertainty in NZ and the world at the moment, however we hope people take the time during lockdown to have their say about what we have planned to look after Otago’s environment.”

The public are encouraged to have their say through ORC’s online platform, YourSay:

The YourSay page includes a rates estimator so that people can get an idea of what their rates will be, as well as a summary of the activities ORC hopes to carry out and a space for people to ask questions.

ORC will update the YourSay page with alternative ways to meet online in lieu of community meetings.

“We had planned to speak with the public face-to-face around Otago, but obviously can’t do that at the moment. Instead, we encourage people to head online to tell us what they think, and of course they are welcome to contact their local councillor directly,” Cr Hobbs said.

Feedback can be given on the Annual Plan from now until 24 April, and after that there will be hearings so people can speak to their submissions. ORC is looking at how this will be done, depending on the nationwide alert status, and will provide more information at that time.

The Annual Plan 2020-21 will then be adopted at a council meeting on 24 June.