NZ Transport Agency - RM19.387

Public notice is hereby given pursuant to S.95A Resource Management Act 1991 that the following application for resource consent has been received by Otago Regional Council.


NZ Transport Agency – Beaumont

Application No. RM19.387

To undertake various activities associated with the construction of a new bridge at Beaumont. The proposal is a discretionary activity under the following rules:

Consent Type


Rule and Plan




Land Use Consent



Disturbance of land at a contaminated site

Regional Plan: Waste Rule 5.6.1

Erection of structures (temporary working platform(s), new bridge, the placement of rip rap (rock armouring), deposition of material, and the associated disturbance to the bed of the Clutha River/ Mata-Au.

Regional Plan: Water Rule

Removal of vegetation in the bed, including associated disturbance of the beds.

Regional Plan: Water Rule


Water Permit


Diversion of watercourse (both temporary and permanent)

Temporary damming of watercourse

Regional Plan: Water rule


Purpose: To construct a bridge across the Clutha River/ Mata-Au at Beaumont

Location: Clutha River/ Mata-Au, approximately 140 metres west of the intersection of Millers Flat-Beaumont Road and State Highway 8, Beaumont at about NZTM2000 E1330223 N4920195

Legal Description of Properties: Crown Land, Road Reserve, Section 4 SO Plan 23609, Section 2 and 4 SO Plan 23610, Section 1 Block XX TN of Dunkeld, Section 1-6 and Section 13 Block XIII Town of Dunkeld

Reasons for public notification: The applicant requested public notification when applying for resource consent. Further information was requested from the Applicant, which the Applicant refused to provide also resulting in the requirement for the consent to be notified. Consequently, Council was unable to determine the effects of the activity, therefore there is the possibility that effects could be more than minor which would also require public notification.

Full details of this application are also available for inspection at Otago Regional Council, 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin during working hours (8 am to 5 pm). Enquiries may be directed to Rebecca Jackson by phone to 0800 474 082 or by email to



Submissions on the above application must be received by Otago Regional Council and the applicant (Clutha District Council) no later than 5pm on Monday 24 February 2020.

Printable submission form

Electronic PDF submission form (DISCLAIMER: You must have Adobe Acrobat installed onto your computer to use this editable version. This form cannot be filled in on your internet browser. REMEMBER to save the form to your computer after completing then attach and send via email to


Where to send your submission

Submissions must be forwarded to Otago Regional Council, Private Bag 1954, Dunedin, 9054 or by email to

You must also serve a copy of your submission to the applicant – NZ Transport Agency, by post at NZ Transport Agency c/- WSP Opus, Private Bag 1913, Dunedin 9054 or by email to

Note: The applicant has also applied to the Clutha District Council for resource consents in respect of the above proposal. Submissions on all aspects of the application will be heard together as part of a joint hearing process involving representatives from Clutha District Council and Otago Regional Council.


Submission requirements

Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that:

  • adversely affects the environment; and
  • does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.

Submissions must be dated and signed (unless submitted electronically) and must include the following information:

    1. Your name, postal address and telephone number (email and fax number if applicable);
    2. Details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission;
    3. Whether it is in support of, or in opposition to the application, or is neutral;
    4. Your submissions, with reasons;
    5. The decision that you wish Council to make; and
    6. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission and you must also serve a copy of your submission on the applicant as soon as reasonably practicable.



Consent Application


Further Information Request


Further Information Response

RE: RM19.387 - NZTA Beaumont Bridge - S92 response and request for full assessment (1/2)

January 2020

PDF | 213 KB

Email correspondence between Otago Regional Council consents officer (Rebecca Jackson) and Damwatch Principal Hydraulic Engineer (Grant Webbly).

Re: RM19.387 - NZTA Beaumont Bridge - S92 response and request for full assessment (2/2)

January 2020

PDF | 239 KB

Email correspondence between AquaNet senior scientist (Dr Duncan Gray) and ORC consents officer (Rebecca Jackson).

RE: RM19.387 NZTA Beaumont bridge follow up to Section 92

January 2020

PDF | 194 KB

Email correspondence between ORC Consents Officer, WSP work group manager - Planning and Property, and WSP Senior Transportation Engineer.

RE: RM19.387 NZTA Beaumont bridge follow up to Section 92

January 2020

PDF | 190 KB

Email correspondence between ORC Consents Officer and WSP Senior Transportation Engineer.

RE: RM19.387 NZTA consenting requirements

January 2020

PDF | 186 KB

Email correspondence between ORC Consents Officer and WSP Work Group Manager - Planning & Property.

Contaminated Land Technical Review – S92 Response

January 2020

Ref: 19038 (18)

PDF | 119 KB

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) has applied for a suite of consents to authorise the construction of a new bridge over the Clutha / Mata-au at Beaumont. As part of the application, land use consents are being sought from the Otago Regional Council for disturbance of a contaminated site under the Regional Plan: Waste and from the Clutha District Council for disturbance of land under the National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health (NES).

Contaminated Land Technical Review

November 2019

PDF | 498 KB

New Beaumont Bridge -Ecology AEE (revised)

January 2020

PDF | 586 KB

The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) propose to replace the historic bridge over the Clutha River/Mata Au at Beaumont with a new 200m long bridge. Ryder consulting have prepared an assessment of ecological effects on behalf of NZTA. This memo is a final assessment review of the Ryders AEE and the aquatic ecological components of the overall application.

Engineering and Natural Hazard Review

November 2019

PDF | 1 MB

Technical review of supporting documentation for notice of requirement of an alteration to a designation and resource consent applications for proposed new bridge on Clutha River at Beaumont.

New Beaumont Bridge – Flooding and Engineering Hazard Section 92 Request

December 2019

PDF | 17 MB

This memo presents additional information regarding the engineering and natural hazards of the New Beaumont Bridge in response to the request for Further Information received from Otago Regional Council on the 2 December 2019.

New Beaumont Bridge - Notice of Requirement and Resource Consent – Landscape & Visual report

November 2019

PDF | 109 KB

Further to our review of the Beaumont Bridge Notice of Requirement (NOR) for an Alteration to a Designation and Resource Consent Applications (RC), dated October 2019, we can conclude that we are unable to provide council with any peer review or recommendations until a comprehensive expert landscape assessment is undertaken.

Update to Clutha District Council – Notice of Requirement – Designation Plan Corrections

January 2020

PDF | 60 KB

Two records of title which should have been included with the Notice of Requirement as lodged

January 2020

PDF | 105 KB

Beaumont Bridge - Land designation plans

January 2020

PDF | 1 MB

Aquanet Assessment of Beaumont Bridge Application

November 2019

PDF | 179 KB

The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) propose to replace the historic bridge over the Clutha River/Mata Au at Beaumont with a new 200m long bridge. Ryder consulting have prepared an assessment of ecological effects on behalf of NZTA. This memo is a review of the Ryders AEE and the aquatic ecological components of the overall application.

New Beaumont Bridge - Notice of Requirement - Designation Plan Corrections

January 2020

PDF | 2 MB

Email correspondence from WSP Work Group Manager - Planning and Property.


Notification Recommendation RM19.387