Soil factsheets

All soil orders factsheet

February 2024

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The New Zealand Soil Classification (NZSC) system recognises 15 soil orders that all differ in their characteristics, behaviour and appearance. Source: Otago Regional Council

Brown soil factsheet

February 2024

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Brown soils make up 50% of soils in Otago. They occur mainly on hilly to steep landscapes and generally have good drainage and structure but low fertility. Author: Dr. Erik S. Button Source: Otago Regional Council

Gley soil factsheet

February 2024

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Gley soils make up around 2% of soils in Otago and are formed in areas when there is prolonged wetness from high groundwater, perched water tables or slow drainage. Author: Dr. Erik S. Button Source: Otago Regional Council

Melanic soil factsheet

February 2024

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Melanic soils in Otago form on limestone and volcanic rocks and have deep dark coloured topsoils and good structure. Author: Dr. Erik S. Button Source: Otago Regional Council

Pallic soil factsheet

February 2024

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Pallic soils, as their name suggests, are pale due to low contents of iron oxides. They make up 27% of soils in Otago. Author: Dr. Erik S. Button Source: Otago Regional Council

Podzol soil factsheet

February 2024

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Podzol soils make up 5% of soils in Otago and are formed in areas with both very high rainfall and acid-forming vegetation. Source: Otago Regional Council

Raw soil factsheet

February 2024

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Raw soils are the youngest of all soils and are associated with some of Otago’s most beautiful landscapes.

Recent soil factsheet

February 2024

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Recent soils make up 4% of soils in Otago, and are formed from deposited or eroded parent materials on which a new soil is formed. Author: Dr. Erik S. Button Source: Otago Regional Council

Semiarid soil factsheet

February 2024

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Semiarid soils make up 7% of soils in Otago and are formed in the driest areas of the country where most months experience a water deficit,

General soils reports