ORC monitors water quality and ecosystem health at over 100 river and lake sites. Results from our monitoring are reported as:

  • Annual reports, based on the latest 5 years of water quality and ecosystem health data. Results are assessed against the National Policy Statement – Freshwater Management (NPSFM) and Schedule 15 of the current Regional Plan: Water for Otago.
  • State and trend reports, based on longer-term data sets to determine if the state of our waterways is improving or degrading.
  • Catchment studies, based on targeted investigations of water quality in a catchment. This typically involves short-term studies of multiple sites to provide a detailed assessment of patterns of water quality in a specific area.  
  • Real-time water quality and environmental data can be viewed on our Environmental Data Portal.


For earlier reports or for more information about the publications published here contact science.enquiries@orc.govt.nz


General water quality reports

Land and Water Regional Plan reports