General water quantity reports

Land and Water Regional Plan water quantity reports

Report Management Flows for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Kākaunui River

October 2024


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Analysis of flow loss between the Ardgour Road (Lindis) hydrological site

December 2016


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Arrow River Science Update Dec 2017

December 2017

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Catlins LWRP Report Summary

October 2023

PDF | 644 KB

Dunedin & Coast Science Summary

October 2022

PDF | 550 KB

Dunstan Rohe Science Summary

PDF | 935 KB

Lower Clutha Science Summary

November 2022

PDF | 656 KB

North Otago LWRP Report Summary

November 2023

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ORC Rainfall, Climate And Soil Moisture Network Review 2022

May 2023

PDF | 30 MB

Overview Of Proposed Catchment Management Approach 2021

February 2021

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Roxburgh Rohe Science Summary

November 2022

PDF | 708 KB

State and Trends of Rivers, Lakes, and Groundwater in Otago 2017-2022

May 2023

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Taieri LWRP Science Report Summary

October 2022

PDF | 985 KB

Update of scientific information for the Arrow catchment: 2012-2017


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Upper Lakes Rohe science Summary

October 2022

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LWRP surface water quantity programme summary 2024

March 2024

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Analysis of Manuherekia River flow data timeseries

November 2023

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Arrow Catchment Hydrology Low Flows at Cornwall Street and Kawarau confluence

January 2020


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Cardrona Hydrology Low Flows and Reliability

June 2020


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CHES (Cumulative Hydrological Effects Simulator) Implementation For The Manuherekia River 2019

September 2019


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Discharge Gauging Data For The Manuherekia Catchment 2020

July 2020

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ESPC Briefing Paper - Manuherekia Minimum Flow Update

August 2022

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Flow Naturalisation for Island Stream in the Kakanui catchment

January 2023

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Flow Naturalisation For The Shag River

January 2023

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Flow Naturalisation Kakanui River

January 2023

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Flow naturalisation of Luggate Creek at SH6 Bridge

November 2023

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Flow Naturalisation of the Pomahaka River July 2023

July 2023

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Flow Naturalisation of the Waiwera River June 2023

June 2023

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Lake levels and water take limits for lakes Wanaka and Whakatipu

May 2023

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lauder creek hydrology report 2021

February 2021

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Natural Flow Relativities and Travel Times Between Water Level Recorder Sites on the Manuherikia River

November 2021

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Water takes from Lauder Creek and Clear Creek within Lauder Creek and Muddy Creek Subcatchments, Manuherekia Catchment

January 2020

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CHES Implementation for the Manuherekia River, Otago

September 2019


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Dunstan Creek Report

January 2021

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Flow Requirements For Fish Habitat In The Chatto Lindis Manuherekia Pomahaka And Waianakarua Rivers 2003

January 2003

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Instream Habitat And Minimum Flow Requirements In The Manuherekia River 2016

January 2016

PDF | 13 MB

Interim Review Of The Manuherekia Hydrological Flow Models 2020

January 2020

PDF | 141 KB

Invertebrate Drift Flow Relationships Comparison Between The Manuherekia And Other Rivers 2023

June 2023

PDF | 315 KB

Invertebrate Drift Relationships For The Lower Manuherekia River Memo 2021

December 2021

PDF | 259 KB

Lindis Temperature Study June 2017

March 2017

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Management Flows for Lake Hayes Catchment

PDF | 3 MB

Management Flows For Aquatic Ecosystems In The Manuherekia River And Dunstan Creek 2016

September 2016

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Manuherekia Catchment Goldsim Model Scoping Document Revised Draft 2020

July 2020

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Manuherekia Catchment Hydrology Joint Expert Statement Revised Draft 2023

March 2023

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Manuherekia Catchment Hydrology Model Report 2022

September 2022

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Manuherekia Hydrology Report 1 2020

July 2020

Manuherekia Hydrology Report 1 2020

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Manuherekia minimum flow scenario assessments

July 2021


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Manuherekia Hydrology Model Calibration

May 2021

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Manuherekia Hydrology Model Ecology

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Manuherekia Hydrology Model – Scenarios

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Manuherekia Catchment Hydrology Model Report 2022

January 2022

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Manuherikia invertebrate drift study

March 2021

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Manuherikia Catchment Hydrology Model Comparison Initial Review Of The Manuherikia Catchment Goldsim

October 2019

PDF | 381 KB

Memo - Default minimum flow and allocation limits for Otago

September 2021

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Minimum Flow Assessment For Six Otago Streams And Rivers 2008

May 2008

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Relationships Between Flow And Channel Braiding In The Lower Lindis River

February 2017


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Naturalised Flows for Mill Creek at Fish Trap

June 2023

PDF | 599 KB

The Relationship Between Invertebrate Drift And Flow In The Manuherekia River 2020

October 2020


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Thomsons Creek Hydrology Report 2021

May 2021

PDF | 580 KB

Update of scientific work in the Lindis catchment 2008 to 2015

January 2016

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Science Approach for Assessing Catchment Allocation 2023

September 2023

PDF | 294 KB

Taieri Waterbalance Memo 2023

October 2023

PDF | 1 MB

Flow Naturalisation of Waiareka Creek at Taipo Rd Hydrology Report June 2023

June 2023

PDF | 711 KB

Management Flows for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Waianakarua River 2024

February 2024

PDF | 3 MB

The Waianakarua River rises in the Horse Range and Kakaunui Mountains in North Otago. The catchment is 262 km2 consisting of extensively grazed grasslands and scrub, native forest, and plantation forestry. Land use in the lower catchment is more intensive, with dairy farms operating near the mouth of the river and on the South Branch upstream of State Highway 1 (SH1).

Memo Lakes Water Accounting

October 2023

PDF | 274 KB

The purpose of this memo is to provide advice to the Policy Team regarding the practicality, benefits, challenges, and methodology for lake water accounting.

Arrow River physical habitat assessments

May 2024

Richard Allibone

Water Ways Consulting

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This report provides the physical habitat model details for three habitat models for the Arrow River.

Report: Management Flows for Aquatic Ecosystems in the Fraser River

June 2024

D. Olsen

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