Flat Top Hill Ephemeral Wetlands

Description: A series of small, ephemerally wet shallow depressions scattered over the plateau-like range crest. 90

Type/Class: Inland Saline 4

Size: 5.3 ha

Altitude: 500 - 560 m above sea level

Approximate location: 1.6 km east of the intersection of Fruitlands Roxburgh Road (SH8) and Symes Road, Fruitlands | NZTM (centre point): E1312390 N4973260

Regional Plan: Water for Otago | Schedule 9 Regionally Significant Wetland, no.44, Map F17

Territorial Authority: Clutha District Council

Interactive map

Recorded Values

Value Description
A1 Habitat for nationally or internationally rare or threatened species or communities. Habitat for Myosurus minimus subsp. novae-zelandiae (Nationally Critical), Crassula peduncularis (Nationally Critical), Myosotis brevis (Nationally Endangered). 90
A5 Scarce in Otago in terms of its ecological or physical character. Ephemeral wetland with indigenous vegetation. 90
A2 - A4, A7, A8 No relevant information is currently held by the ORC.


Other Information

  • These wetlands support a flora of predominantly annual herbaceous plants in silty substrate overlying basement schist. 90

  • Community composition varies between depressions but common native species include mousetail (Myosurus minimus subsp. novaezelandiae), Crassula multicaulisMyosotis brevisCrassula sinclairii and C. colligata. These species are often present in association with exotic herbs such as Sedum acre, sheep’s sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and whitlow grass (Erophila verna). 90

  • The area occurs on Obelisk Pastoral Lease and is grazed by sheep. Continued sheep grazing is likely to be important in maintaining ephemeral wetland values through preventing the proliferation of taller-stature exotic grasses and weeds. 90


Aerial View of Flat Top Hill Ephemeral Wetlands (March 2005)



Flat Top Hill Ephemeral Wetlands



4 Peat, N. and Patrick, B. H. (1999) Wild Central. Discovering the natural history of Central Otago. Published by the University of Otago Press, Dunedin.

90 Department of Conservation (2010) Comments on the Consultative Draft Proposed Plan Change 2 (Regionally Significant Wetlands) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago. Department of Conservation - Otago Conservancy, Dunedin.