The ECO Fund aims to protect, enhance and promote Otago’s environment.
The ECO Fund is made up of six funding categories:
General (on-ground and education)
Large-scale biodiversity
Biodiversity enhancement on protected private land
Sustained rabbit management
Critical source area enhancement on private land
Weed removal and revegetation.
Funding is capped per project, as follows:
$15,000 for ‘biodiversity enhancement of protected private land’, ‘critical source area enhancement on private land’, and ‘weed removal and revegetation’ categories
$50,000 for ‘general’ and ‘sustained rabbit management’ categories
Between $50,000 to $150,000 for ‘large-scale biodiversity’ category
Applicants can only submit one application per funding round.
Applicants can not submit additional information to support their application once they have lodged their application.
Applicants must disclose any other funding they have applied for or received for their project.
If an applicant is unsuccessful in one round of the ECO Fund, they may apply again in a subsequent funding round.
Applications are assessed by the ECO Fund Assessment Panel. The assessment is limited to the content of the application.
Applications that do not meet the funding category eligibility criteria are deemed ineligible.
All eligible applications are assessed and ranked against the ECO Fund assessment criteria for the relevant funding category.
If an application is not successful in the category it has been applied to, but it meets eligibility criteria for other funding categories, it may be moved by the ECO Fund Assessment Panel to another funding category to increase its chances of funding. It is then reviewed against the assessment criteria of the new funding category.
There is no obligation for the Otago Regional Council to contact an applicant to request an update for their application to become eligible.
Decisions are made by Council, based on recommendations made by the ECO Fund Assessment Panel.
Decisions made by Otago Regional Council are final and are made at our sole discretion.
Applicants may not speak to their applications at the Council meetings or approach representatives on Council to speak on their behalf.
Grant offer
Grants are approved subject to the Otago Regional Council being satisfied that the information given by recipients is true and correct. Otago Regional Council reserves the right to refuse grant funding, and/or request return of grant funding where it determines that it has been misled, that the applicant or recipient has omitted relevant information, or if the recipient enters into receivership, liquidation or ceases to exist (e.g., removed from register).
A letter of offer and funding agreement will be sent to successful applicants, detailing the general and specific obligations for both parties.
Pre-conditions may be added to a funding agreement. The grant recipient will need to meet the pre-conditions prior to being able to claim the funding, which could delay the start of the project. Types pre-conditions include, but are not limited to, those addressing:
Health and safety plans for contractors’ requirements
Resource consent or any formal approvals required (e.g. EPA approval for the use of herbicides by waterways)
Management agreements / written permissions from the landowner(s)
Native plants to be used in the project.
Obligations and responsibilities of successful applicants include, but are not limited to, that they must:
accept the grant by signing a funding agreement.
pay all costs associated with the project.
complete their project within the time specified.
meet at least once with ORC staff to discuss progress to date.
submit progress reports, where applicable, and a final report on the project outcomes to ORC within a specified timeframe, and account for how funds were spent.
report on their project at a council meeting, if requested.
acknowledge the grant in publications and any media release relating to the use of the funds.
agree to Otago Regional Council promoting their project.
Funds granted expire six (6) months after Council approval. If the applicant fails to comply with the relevant terms and conditions of the funding agreement, including any pre-conditions, within 6 months (unless otherwise agreed), the funding lapses.
For multi-year funding, funds will be released annually conditional upon appropriate progress reports being submitted and accepted. The progress report will demonstrate that: o milestones have been met or meaningful progress has been made, and o funding for the past year has been fully expended, as agreed.
Applicants must have a bank account, or ability to establish one. ECO Fund grants will be transferred to a bank account in the name of the applicant. Grant funds will not be paid into individuals bank accounts, corporate bank accounts, unless otherwise agreed with ORC.
If work funded is not completed within the specified time frame or funds are not spent as agreed, Otago Regional Council reserves the right to demand the return of funds.