Bur daisy

Common name:  Bur daisy
Scientific name:  Calotis lappulacea
Management programme:  Progressive containment

Why is it a pest?

Bur daisy is a serious threat to farming as it can contaminate sheep wool, and if left uncontrolled can replace other plant species which has a negative impact on our biodiversity. It produces many seeds that are quickly spread by stock movement and can produce new plants for many years.

What does it look like?

  • A small, stringy, many-branched perennial herb
  • It can grow up to 40cm tall with many fine, green branches. 
  • Leaves are thin, green and hairy. 
  • Flowers are small, pom pom-like clusters of bright yellow flowers that develop into very hard, brown burs, covered in tiny hooks.

When can I spot it best?

Bur daisy flowers for most of the year but more over summer. Predominately found in open and dispersed habitats, dry outcrops, rocky areas, and pasture. So far it has only been found on one 10-hectare block of land at near Georgetown in the Waitaki Valley.

What are the rules?

Everyone in Otago must eliminate bur daisy on the land they occupy.  The reason for this rule is to ensure infestation levels are reduced and threats to economic wellbeing are minimised.

How can I control it?

Physical control:

  • You can grub out small plants, being careful to collect all seed heads

Chemical control:

  • You can weed wipe using a glyphosate-based herbicide
  • You can spray the plant during spring using Tordon BK or triclopyr and a penetrant.

Caution: When using any herbicide or pesticide PLEASE READ THE LABEL THOROUGHLY to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.

Disclaimer: Mention of product trade names does not endorse these products nor imply criticism of similar products not mentioned. The Otago Regional Council does not give any warranty that the information is accurate or complete or that it is suitable for all circumstances.

Management programme