NES-CF, recognized by Otago Regional Council, regulates commercial forestry blocks over 1 hectare, providing consistent rules under the Resource Management Act.

The National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) came into effect on 1 May 2018. This was amended to the National Environmental Standard for Commercial Forestry (NES-CF) on 3 November 2023 to add exotic continuous-cover forests (carbon forests) to its scope. 
The standards are a single set of nationally consistent regulations under the Resource Management Act that give foresters more certainty and improve efficiency.  
If you have a forestry block larger than one hectare that was planted specifically for commercial activities, the NES-CF will apply to you. 
The NES-CF sets out rules for eight plantation forestry activities: 

  • afforestation 
  • pruning and thinning to waste 
  • earthworks 
  • river crossings 
  • forest quarrying 
  • harvesting 
  • mechanical land preparation 
  • replanting

Most forestry activities are permitted by the NES-CF so long as foresters meet specific conditions designed to protect the environment. If foresters can’t meet these conditions, they need to apply for a resource consent

Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) have developed some resources to explain the NES-CF. Find out more on the MPI website or call 0800 88 83 33.


The NES-CF requires foresters to give notice to the ORC before undertaking permitted commercial forestry activities, including:

  • afforestation
  • replanting
  • earthworks
  • river crossings
  • forestry quarrying
  • harvesting

regulations 10, 25, 38, 52, 64 and 78

Amendment 2 (NES Plantation Forestry)

Before 1 May 2018, forestry activities in Otago were managed under the Water Plan. This changed when the NES-PF came into effect. 

The NES-CF sets out circumstances in which more stringent plan rules can apply (regulation 6). Our Water Plan retains more stringent rules for discharges of sediment and bed disturbance to protect threatened indigenous fish (i.e. galaxiid species), many of which are found only in Otago. 
The Water Plan was amended to include explanatory notes in sections 12.C and 13.5, clarifying where stricter rules in the Water Plan will prevail over rules in the NES-PF. A new Schedule 17 at the back of the plan summarises the rules (NES-PF or plan) that apply to forestry in Otago (see below). 

Page last updated 21 June 2024.