Effluent spills from stock trucks can pose risks, emphasising the need to follow guidelines and report spills promptly.

Spills of stock effluent from cartage trucks onto Otago roads can be dangerous to other road users and cause problems such as: 

  • road safety hazards for motor vehicles, motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians, and roading contractors 
  • potential health risks for those who accidentally come into contact with spilled effluent 
  • contamination of land and waterways 
  • nuisance odours 

If you are carting stock around the region, please help keep the roads clear of effluent. 

  • Farmers: Stand stock off green feed for at least four hours (but no more than 12 hours). 
  • Truckies: Install effluent storage tanks and empty them regularly at the stock effluent disposal sites. 
  • Road users: Report stock truck effluent spills by phoning the Pollution Hotline on 0800 800 033. 

Stock effluent disposal sites

The ORC has installed six stock truck effluent disposal sites on State Highway One between Pukeuri and Clinton. We also have three facilities on inland highways at Raes Junction, Brassknocker Road and Tarras. 


Map showing stock effluent disposal sites
Stock effluent disposal sites in Otago


Page last updated 21 June 2024.