Buckler Burn flood hazard assessment report

An investigation by Land River Sea Consulting assessed the flood hazard of the Buckler Burn.

Liquefaction and lateral spreading hazard management report

Tonkin + Taylor Ltd  assessed possible engineering approaches to mitigate hazards or manage liquefaction and lateral spreading. Along with the Damwatch Report, it was presented to the community in June 2022. 

Tonkin + Taylor presentation material - Safety and Resilience Meeting 10 May 2023 

Tonkin + Taylor presentation to the Safety and Resilience Meeting 10 May 2023


Floodplain hazard management report

A report by Damwatch Engineering Ltd focuses on how to manage three areas where floodplain hazards – flooding or erosion – may impact on the community or infrastructure in the head of Lake Wakatipu area: 

  1. The lower Rees River and Glenorchy township 

  1. The Dart floodplain and Kinloch access 

  1. The Rees floodplain and the Rees bridge 

The report identifies potential hazard management interventions and reviews their key benefits and constraints.  





Natural hazard reports

Climate change reports

Council updates

Presentations and other resources

Page last updated 21 June 2024.