Proposed Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow) had legal effect from 13 December 2014.
Following appeal resolution, the operative Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow) had full legal effect from 1 March 2016.
Operative Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow) (541 KB)
View the Public Notice (106 KB)
Map B Index (1 MB)
Map B13 (1 MB)
Map B15 (1 MB)
View archive of the plan process
Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow) introduces a primary and supplementary allocation and minimum flow regime for the Waiwera catchment. This catchment is currently shown in Maps 13 and 15 of the Water Plan Maps.
Council notified Proposed Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow) on Saturday 13 December 2014. Following the submission and hearing process, the Council publicly notified its decision on the plan change on Saturday 8 August 2015.
Two appeals on the council’s decisions were made to the Environment Court (under clause 14 of the First Schedule of the RMA). The appeals affected the irrigation season primary allocation minimum flow and the supplementary minimum flow, and were resolved by mediation.
The resolution to make Plan Change 3C operative was made on 10 February 2016, and this was publicly notified on 20 February 2016. Plan change 3C is operative from 1 March 2016.
Notified Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow) (579 KB)
Section 32 Evaluation Report - Proposed Plan Change 3B (459 KB)
Submissions (4 MB)
Further Submissions (823 KB)
Summary of Decisions Requested in Submissions and Further Submissions (99 KB)
Submitter address for service list (19 KB)
Officers' Report on Decisions Requested (128 KB)
Public Notice of Decision on Proposed Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow) (142 KB
Decisions on Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow) (133 KB)
Proposed Plan Change 3C (Waiwera catchment minimum flow) incorporating council decisions (Includes maps as notified) (2.8 MB)
Consent Order (2 MB)
Operative Plan Change 3C (541 KB)
Public Notice of Operative Plan Change 3C (106 KB)
Copies are also available for viewing from Otago Regional Council offices.
The hearing of submissions on the plan change was held on 21 April 2015. Council decisions were publicly notified on 8 August 2015.
Information sheet (994 KB).
Management Flows for Aquatic ecosystems in the Waiwera River (1MB).
For further information please contact ORC - phone 0800 474 082.