Lindis at Clutha Confluence (35 KB)
Note Cross-section Lindis - Flow gaugings Explanatory note (56 KB)
Lindis cross-sections 2009 River Survey - Map (2 MB)
Lindis cross-sections 2009 River Survey - Raw Data Set (77 KB)
Flow records - Ardgour Road Daily Naturalised Flows from 25/09/1976 to 18/01/2016 (311 KB)
Flow records - Ardgour Road DMD from 9/11/2005 to 18/01/2016 (47 KB)
The rating dated 25/6/2014 was amended on 7/10/2015.Therefore flow data between 25/6/2014 and the next rating dated 13/2/2015 would differ as a consequence for datasets supplied pre and post 7/10/2015.
Flow records - Ardgour Road Hourly from 9/11/2005 to 19/01/2016 (711 KB)
Flow records - Lindis Peak DMD from 25/09/1976 to 18/01/2016 (160 KB)
Rating after 28/04/2015 was amended on 14/01/2016. Therefore flow data between 28/04/2015 and 19/07/2015 differs from datasets previously published on this website on 16/10/2015
Flow records – Lindis Peak Hourly from 24/09/1976 to 19/01/2016 (1 MB)
Flow records - Rutherfords DMD from 08/10/2014 to 18/01/2016 (13 KB)
Flow records - SH8 DMD from 08/10/2014 to 18/01/2016 (14 KB)
Flow records – Clutha Confluence DMD from 08/10/2014 to 17/01/2016 (14 KB)
Flow records - Clutha Confluence hourly (246 KB)
Rating after 29/09/2015 was amended on 5/02/2016. Therefore flow data from 29/09/2015 to 17/01/2016 differs from data previously published on this website. Please note that the change was to the rating shape below 100l/s so only flows below this level will be affected.
Naturalised Flow and Flow Records Lindis - Combined (511 KB)
Hydro - statistics summary (as at 16/10/2015) (19 KB)
Accuracy of Hydrological Data Collected in the Lindis Catchment (175 KB)
Lindis Peak and Lindis at Ardgour Road water Quality Data 2005 - 2015 (22 KB)
Note: between 2005 and 2015 there have been changes in detection limits for some parameters, as well as changes in laboratory. Changes in detection limits may adversely affect statistical interpretation if not taken into account.