Council notified Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) on 20 December 2008 and released its decisions on 10 April 2010.  Six appeals were received and resolved through mediation, approved by Court Order on 1 December 2011.

The resolution to make Plan Change 1C operative was notified on 18 February 2012.  Plan Change 1C is operative from 1 March 2012.

Download operative Plan Change 1C (2 MB)


Plan Change 1C Archive

Otago Regional Council released its decisions on Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago on 10 April 2010. Six appeals were lodged with the Environment Court by 5pm Friday 21 May 2010.

Summary of Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use)

Otago Regional Council notified Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) to the Regional Plan: Water on 20 December 2008. The purpose of Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) is to add provisions to manage the taking of water, including:

  • encouraging collaborative approaches by water users;
  • managing water as a connected resource;
  • giving preference to local water sources for local uses of water;
  • amending provisions relating to Welcome Creek; and
  • recognising when groundwater is closely connected to surface water.

Otago Regional Council released its decisions on Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) on 10 April 2010.

Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use)

Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) can be viewed by downloading the documents below. Copies are also available for viewing from:

Otago Regional Council offices

  • 70 Stafford Street, Dunedin
  • William Fraser Building, Dunorling Street, Alexandra
  • 32 Ribble Street, Oamaru
  • Terrace Junction, 1092 Frankton Road, Queenstown

All public libraries throughout Otago

City and District Council offices throughout Otago

To request a hard copy of Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use), please contact the Policy Team:

Phone 03 474 0827 or 0800 474 082
Fax 03 479 0015

Download Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use)

Download accompanying table of proposed changes

Download Section 32 Report

Download the public notice

Download the summary brochure

Summary of decisions requested

This Council released the Summary of Decisions Requested by Submitters on 4 April 2009.

Download the Public notice

Download the Summary of Decisions Requested (Title, Preface and Index)

Download the Summary of Decisions Requested (Grouped by Submitter and within the scope of the plan)

Download the Summary of Decisions Requested (Grouped by Topic and within the scope of the plan)

Download the Summary of Decisions Requested (Grouped by Submitter beyond the scope of the plan)

Download the Summary of Decisions Requested by Submitters and Further Submitters (Grouped by Topic)

Download the contact details of submitters and further submitters

View the original submissions and further submissions

Report on Decisions Requested

The Report on Decisions Requested on Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) evaluates decisions requested by submitters and further submitters, and makes recommendations to Otago Regional Council to accept, accept in part, reject or note those decisions requested.

Download the Report on Decisions Requested


The hearing into submissions was held from 22 June 2009 to 6 July at Dunedin, Oamaru, Alexandra and Cromwell. At that hearing, Officers responded to some of the evidence presented by submitters and recommended some changes to the Report on Decisions Requested.

Download the Revised Report on Decisions Requested


The Hearing Committee made their recommendations to Otago Regional Council on Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) to Otago Regional Council on 24 March 2010. Otago Regional Council made its decisions on Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) on 24 March 2010, and released them to the public on 10 April 2010.

View the public notice

Download the Decisions

Download the Regional Plan: Water for Otago Incorporating Decisions (Part 1 – Chapters 1-19)

Download the Regional Plan: Water for Otago Incorporating Decisions (Part 2 – Schedules, Glossary, Appendices)

Download the Regional Plan: Water for Otago Incorporating Decisions (Part 3 – Maps (B03, C00, C01a, C01b, C03))


Six appeals were lodged with the Environment Court by 5pm Friday 21 May 2010. For further information about the appeals contact the Policy team:

Next steps in the process

Once the appeals are resolved, Otago Regional Council approves Proposed Plan Change 1C (Water Allocation and Use) and sets the date it will become operative.

Plan Change 1C Submissions