About the draft material

The draft Plan for Otago is made up of proposed rules, regulations and policies for different activities, also known as 'chapters'. Please note the material on this web page about the new Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) has the status of draft.

The draft Plan is still being written and is yet to be completed and formally notified as the ‘proposed’ LWRP. The ‘proposed’ Plan will be available late 2024 when it is scheduled for ‘public notification’. On this web page, you will find information about the proposed rules and regulations that we are considering. We have received public feedback that let us know if people thought we were heading in the right direction before the ‘proposed’ LWRP is publicly notified.

The proposed new rules are designed to protect waterways for future generations.

If you are unsure of any particular terms in the below summaries, there is a ​​glossary of terms.


​Region-wide proposed new rules and regulations

The following proposed new rules and regulations for waterways would apply region-wide.

Click or tap on each section heading to expand and see the content.