We are developing a Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) in partnership with Kāi Tahu whānui, and with feedback from the greater Otago community.
Join the kōrero on the proposed direction of the Plan to care for Otago's lakes, rivers and streams and guide the activities that impact them.
We have a summary of proposed new rules and regulations that we encourage you to look over.
Read all about the draft Plan and the proposed new rules and regulations:
Under national legislation, regional councils must manage waterways at an appropriate scale for setting freshwater objectives and limits.
We have set five Freshwater Management Units (FMUs) and divided the Clutha/Mata-Au FMU into five rohe (areas) as it is the largest river in the country, by catchment and volume.
The Upper Lakes Rohe is around 7,000 square kilometres, covering the lakes of Whakatipu, Wānaka and Hāwea from their tributaries to their outlets.
Its scenery attracts thousands of visitors each year, who enjoy views of budding orchard trees, snow-covered mountains and stunning lakes.
Catchments include the Greenstone, Dart and Rees Rivers, the Makarora, Matukituki and Hunter Rivers, and several smaller tributaries to the lakes, including Bullock Creek, Minaret Burn, Timaru River and the Von and Locky Rivers. The lakes’ upper catchments have very high natural values, extending into Mt Aspiring National Park.
The lakes have deep spiritual significance for Kāi Tahu, associated with their creation traditions and their importance as a source of very pure freshwater. They supported permanent and seasonal settlements and plentiful mahika kai. Pounamu was also gathered near the head of Lake Wānaka, and the Dart and Routeburn Valleys.
While freshwater policies might be designed and applied specifically to the Upper Lakes Rohe, their impacts may be felt beyond. Hence the Upper Lakes Rohe and the neighbouring Dunstan Rohe are combined when considering socio-economic information. These communities have close economic ties, i.e., residents are likely to live in one of the areas while working/spending in the other areas.
In 2018, the Upper Lakes Rohe and Dunstan Rohe were home to around 47,400 residents (21% of Otago’s population). In the previous 12 years, the population in these Rohe increased by 19,300 people (or 69%) from 28,000 residents in 2006. This rapid population growth is putting increasing pressure on water use (water takes and discharges of pollutants or contaminants) and its infrastructure. Overall, these Rohe have relatively low social deprivation, when considering factors such as income, home ownership, employment, access to transport and communications, and access to internet.
The local communities and the economy in the Upper Lakes and Dunstan Rohe are especially reliant on water resources. The most populated towns in this Rohe are built around the lakes. Tourism, the most important industry sector in the Rohe, relies on fresh water in some way or form (including snow, which is essential for the ski resorts operating in the Rohe). Agricultural activities, mainly dry stock (incl. deer and with little/no dairy in the Upper Lakes Rohe) and horticulture/viticulture operations, are dependent on freshwater supplies.
An understanding of Māori history and the Māori economy is essential for policy development and policy impact assessment. Not only does pre-European Māori history help shape modern day New Zealand, but the Māori economy is also integral to the New Zealand economic system. ORC is partnering with Aukaha and Te Ao Marama to develop an overview of Kāi Tahu history and economy.
The Upper Lakes Rohe is home to the headwaters of the Clutha/Mata-Au catchment, the country’s largest catchment by area and water volume. It contains glacial lakes Wānaka, Hāwea and Whakatipu, their tributaries, the Southern Alps to the north and terraced valleys in the south.
Because a large part of the Upper Lakes is untouched nature, changes in land use could affect water quality in the area and the rest of the Clutha/Mata-Au catchment downstream. The Upper Lakes Rohe is also vulnerable to climate change, which may influence the amount and timing of water availability in the area and downstream.
Land cover is largely tussock grasslands, followed by indigenous forests and gravel/rock. The primary soil type is brown soil, with raw and podzol soils accounting for a further quarter of the Upper Lakes, which lie in the north along the Southern Alps. Brown soils are well-drained and ideal for forests and both native and exotic grasslands. High, wet altitudes over schist bedrock have podzol soil, with raw soils found on steep, rocky slopes in the mountains that experience intense erosion.
Conservation estate (45%) and sheep and beef dry-stock farming (24%) dominate the Upper Lakes area. Lakes and rivers cover 11%, and mixed dry-stock farming, which is mostly deer, sheep and beef, covers 12% of the Upper Lakes. Over the past 30 years, conservation land has increased by 74% as indigenous forest and tussock grasslands became protected under covenants. Sheep and beef dry-stock farming have decreased by 26%.
The Upper Lakes Rohe has a steep rainfall gradient, and the highest precipitation rates are in the mountains to the north. These mountains drain to the alpine lakes, which are significant water reservoirs with higher levels in spring due to snowmelt. The rohe provides most of the flow to the downstream Clutha/Mata-au catchment.
ORC monitors water flow at six sites in the rohe, with access to historical records for other sites and sites monitored by NIWA. Hydrological modelling provides water allocation information for un-monitored rivers and streams. The main water use is non-consumptive hydro-electricity production, followed by water supply. The area has very little irrigation.
ORC monitors water quality and ecology in rivers and streams. The results can show the state of the environment for a location. Water quality in the Upper Lakes is monitored at 23 river/stream sites and three lakes, while ecological monitoring is done at nine river sites and nine lake sites.
Monitoring results show that water quality in the Upper Lakes is the best in Otago. Only a couple of streams in urban areas experience high E. coli counts due to stormwater run-off and wildfowl. Clarity is reduced in some of the glacier-fed rivers, but this is a natural process.
The lake monitoring sites at Wānaka, Hāwea and Whakatipu also have excellent water quality results. However, these sites show persistent growth of the introduced algae Lindavia intermedia, which produces a glue-like substance called lake snow. Although not harmful to people and animals, it is a nuisance and thrives in lakes with very low nutrient levels such as those in the Upper Lakes
Groundwater use in the Upper Lakes is generally low, with most water used for community and domestic supplies. The Glenorchy and Kingston townships have Ground Water Management Zones (GWMZ) around them, composed of shallow alluvial aquifers.
ORC monitors groundwater quality in five bores across the two GWMZ. The data shows elevated E. coli, nutrients and arsenic levels. Elevated E. coli and nutrients are likely due to high septic tank density and shallow bore heads. Elevated arsenic is likely due to its presence in local schist rock.
The Upper Lakes has extensive freshwater biodiversity values, including rare and threatened ecosystems and species. Examples of rare and vulnerable ecosystems are ephemeral wetlands, braided rivers and wetlands.
These ecosystems contribute a lot to national biodiversity, but are often threatened by land use change and invasive species. We often know little about their extent and/or condition.
The Upper Lakes FMU has a diverse range of native freshwater fish, invertebrates, birds, plants and a bat that depend on freshwater ecosystems. The seven native freshwater fishes are three non-migratory galaxias, one migratory galaxias – whitebait – one eel and two bullies. All the non-migratory galaxias are threatened. Freshwater invertebrates include freshwater crayfish and freshwater mussels.
Many native birds in the area depend on freshwater ecosystems, either as permanent or mobile residents. Threatened birds are the Australasian bittern, black-billed gull, blue duck and Australasian crested grebe.
Many plants are freshwater-dependent, including the threatened Brachyscome linearis, Crassula peduncularis, Crassula multicaulis and Carex strictissima. Introduced sports fishes are brown trout, rainbow trout and chinook salmon. Many native freshwater species are under threat and continue to decline. We lack information about species, particularly for freshwater invertebrates, non-vascular plants and algae
Contact your rohe's Catchment Advisor for advice and assistance on sustainable land management practices that protect Otago’s waterways.
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Download the Upper Lakes Rohe Chapter
This summary provides an overview of the provisions relating to the Upper Lakes Rohe (area) within the Clutha / Mata-Au Freshwater Management Unit (FMU). This includes environmental outcomes, target attribute states and area-specific rules and limits. The rules and limits are in addition to those in the region-wide rules covered in the other summaries.
If you are unsure of any particular terms, there is a glossary of terms.
Overview of content updates:
In its new Land and Water Regional Plan ORC must set environmental outcomes for the freshwater values identified in the Upper Lakes rohe. An environmental outcome statement describes the desired future state that communities in the Upper Lakes rohe and tangata whenua would like to see for a specific value.
The environmental outcome statements are very similar across all FMUs and rohe in Otago, which reflects the fact that the aspirations that tangata whenua and the different communities have for the environment are largely consistent across the region. Table 1 sets out the draft environmental outcomes for the Upper Lakes Rohe.
Value |
Environmental Outcome for Upper Lakes rohe |
Attributes to measure and monitor |
NPS-FM compulsory values (apply to every FMU/rohe) |
Ecosystem health |
Freshwater bodies support healthy freshwater ecosystems with thriving habitats for a range of indigenous species, and the life stages of those species, that would be expected to occur naturally. |
Rivers: Ammonia Nitrate Suspended fine sediment E. Coli Dissolved reactive phosphorus Periphyton Macroinvertebrates (MCI/ASPM) Fish IBI E. Coli primary contact sites Macroinvertebrates (QMCI) score*1 Deposited fine sediment* Dissolved oxygen Ecosystem metabolism Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Ammonia Cyanobacteria* Submerged plants (natives)* Submerged plants (invasive)* Lake-bottom dissolved oxygen* Mid-hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen* |
Human contact |
Water bodies are clean and safe for human contact activities and support the health of people and their connections with water bodies. |
Rivers: E. Coli Suspended fine sediment Periphyton E. Coli primary contact sites Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Cyanobacteria (Biovolume cubic millimetres per litre) |
Threatened species |
The freshwater habitats of threatened species are protected and support the persistence and recovery of threatened species over time. |
All the attributes listed for Ecosystem Health above.
Recency of presence National conservation category and status Regional conservation category and status Number of sub-populations |
Mahika kai (food and resource gathering) |
Mahika kai resources are restored to a condition in which populations of valued mahika kai species are self-sustaining and plentiful enough to support cultural take. Mana whenua are able to safely access, harvest and use these resources now and in the future. |
All the attributes listed for Ecosystem Health above. |
Other values (apply to every FMU/rohe) |
Natural form and character |
Freshwater bodies and their riparian margins, and any connected receiving environment including any estuaries and hāpua (lagoon) are able to behave in a way that reflects their natural form and character to the greatest extent practicable, and the natural form and function of unmodified water bodies is protected. |
Rivers: Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Macroinvertebrates (QMCI) score* Deposited fine sediment* Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Cyanobacteria* Submerged plants (natives)* Submerged plants (invasive)* Lake-bottom dissolved oxygen* Mid-hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen* |
Drinking water supply |
Provided the health and wellbeing needs of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems are met, source water from water bodies (after treatment) is safe and reliable for the drinking water supply needs of the community. Activities do not introduce or increase the concentration of contaminants in water, so that, after existing treatment, it no longer meets drinking water standards |
Wāhi tūpuna (sites of significance to iwi) |
Cultural associations with wāhi tūpuna are maintained, visible, and whānau are able to access, use and relate to wāhi tūpuna now and in the future. |
Information available soon. |
Fishing |
Fish are safe to eat; and Insofar as it is consistent with the protection of indigenous and threatened species, the spawning and juvenile rearing waters for trout and salmon are provided for. |
Rivers: E. Coli Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Nitrate Suspended fine sediment Macroinvertebrates (MCI/ASPM) Fish IBI Macroinvertebrates (QMCI) score* Lakes: Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll-a) Cyanobacteria (Biovolume cubic millimetres per litre)* |
Irrigation, cultivation and production of food and beverages |
Provided the health and wellbeing of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems and human health needs are met, the cultivation and production of food, beverages and fibre is enabled. |
Rivers: Suspended fine sediment Periphyton Water quantity |
Wetlands |
Wetlands are protected, and their ecosystem health, indigenous biodiversity, and hydrological functioning is restored where degraded. |
Information available soon.
Taoka species (treasured species) |
Thriving, connected habitats for indigenous species are restored and sustained for ever and their mauri is intact. |
Information available soon.
Values that apply to specific FMU |
Hydro-electric power generation |
Existing hydro-electric generation activities are developed, operated, maintained and upgraded in a way that meets the environmental outcomes to the greatest extent practicable. |
¹*Asterisk indicates that the baseline state of these compulsory attributes is not known, but monitoring is now being undertaken.
Attributes are indicators that we can measure and monitor. Attributes tell us about the state of a river or lake. A target attribute state (TAS) is the state that an attribute must achieve to make sure that an environmental outcome is met. The timeframe for achieving the TAS for each FMU is set by the environmental outcomes for the FMU. For the Upper Lakes rohe, the environmental outcomes are to be achieved by 2030. By monitoring attributes and comparing their baseline state with their TAS we learn how well how well we are on track towards achieving the environmental outcomes for this FMU or rohe.
While the environmental outcome statements are largely consistent across Otago, baseline states and TAS are usually specific to each FMU and rohe. Attributes for each value and baseline states for those attributes have been identified along with trends derived from the Otago Regional Council's State of the Environment (SoE) monitoring data.
The baseline state and TAS for the Upper Lakes rohe are in the map below.
Zoom into an area and view the various locations of proposed monitoring sites in an area(s).
Select the yellow dot representing a proposed monitoring site to see the Target Attribute States.
You can further select the Target Attribute States table to view a larger version of the table.
(Note: If you are on a mobile device, tap on the arrow next to the 'X' icon for the table to show.)
National direction requires Council to set limits as rules or action plans (as appropriate) to achieve the environmental outcomes. This can be done at a region-wide level or at FMU/rohe level. The draft region-wide rules are set out in different briefing papers, including the briefing papers Primary Production, Wastewater, Stormwater, Earthworks, Water Quantity and various others.
For the Upper Lakes rohe, there are no additional rules needed to make sure the environmental outcomes for this rohe are achieved.
The Upper Lakes Rohe chapter will also include take limits and environmental flows and levels for rivers, lakes and aquifers in this rohe.
Take limits reflect the total quantity of water that can be taken, dammed or diverted from a stream, river, lake or aquifer. Once the combined rate of take for all consented water takes, diversion or damming activities from a water body matches this take limit no further water can be allocated in new consents.
Environmental flows (for rivers or streams) or environmental levels (for lakes and aquifers) include minimum flows or levels that when reached all consented (and some permitted) takes, diversions and damming activities must cease. These restrictions on water taking, diversions or damming activities typically occur during dry periods and are needed to make sure after important values, such as threatened fish, drinking water supply or mahika kai (food and resource gathering) values, are looked after.
Environmental levels and take limits for the lakes in the Upper Lakes Rohe are shown in the table below.
Given their high naturalness values, it is proposed that a narrative take limit is set for most of the natural lakes in this rohe. This limit will prohibit any new takes, damming or diversions that could impact water levels of these natural lakes (except for takes that are permitted under the Resource Management Act 1991) and will ensure they will continue to behave in their natural or near natural state. Specific take limits and levels are proposed for Lake Wānaka and Lake Whakatipu. These limits will allow for more water to be allocated from Lake Wānaka and Lake Whakatipu and their tributaries, recognising that these water bodies are located near fast-growing urban settlements. However, the proposed take limits are small enough to avoid any changes to the lakes’ hydrology and specific minimum levels are proposed for both lakes to restrict water takes when lake levels are low.
Lake Hawea will continue to be managed in accordance with its consented lake level conditions. Any takes from this lake will be subject to the take limits that apply to the Clutha River/Mata-Au take limit.
Name |
Environmental level(s) |
Take limit |
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
Natural lakes (unmodified) |
Alta Tarn, Arethusa Pool (associated with Mou Waho) Crucible Lake Diamond Lake, Glenorchy Diamond Lake, Wanaka Glenorchy Lagoon Lake Castalia Lake Diana Lake Harris/ Te Hokaputu Lake Hope Lake Isobel Lake McKellar/Ōtākaha Lake Mystery Lake Ned Lake Nerine Lake Nigel Lake Reid Lake Rere Lake Sylvan Lake Unknown Lake Wilson Lindsays Tarn Lucidius Lake Three Lagoons |
Natural minimum water level |
Narrative- no new taking, diversions, damming or discharges from the lake or upper catchment |
No |
Natural lakes (with current consents) |
Lake Dispute (Lake Dispute river catchment)
Lake level managed by the minimum flow of the Lake Dispute river catchment
Narrative - no new taking, diversions, damming or discharges from the lake or upper catchment.
Existing takes subject to the take limit of the river catchment that the lake is located within |
No |
Natural lakes (with environmental levels and take limits) |
Lake Wānaka |
276.14 m based on the Dunedin datum (mean annual low lake level) |
3,000 L/s |
Yes |
Lake Whakatipu |
309.54 m based on the Dunedin datum (mean annual low lake level) |
3,000 L/s |
Yes |
Controlled lakes |
Lake Hāwea |
Consented levels |
Subject to the Clutha River/Mata-Au take limit (TBC) |
Yes |
Environmental flows and take limits for the Upper Lakes rohe’s rivers and streams are shown in the table below. Take limits and environmental flows are often set as a percentage of the 7-day Mean Annual Low Flow (7-day MALF). The 7-day MALF is a flow statistic that provides an indication of how low the flow gets in a typical year.
For smaller rivers or streams with a mean flow of 5,000 litres per second or less, such as the Kidds Creek and Quartz Creek, a total take limit is set as 20% of the 7-day MALF. For larger rivers with a mean flow of more than 5,000 litres per second, such as the Matukituki River and the Rees River, a larger take limit is set at 30% of the 7-day MALF.
Restrictions on water takes, diversions and damming activities in catchments of smaller rivers or streams are triggered when flows are at 90% of the 7-day MALF, whereas for larger rivers these restrictions will not kick in until flows are at 80% of the 7-day MALF.
Bespoke limits and environmental flows are proposed for Bullock creek.
Table 3 provides estimates of the actual minimum flows and take limits for different catchments based on the default method using the best available information to determine the 7-day MALF of each catchment. The numeric minimum flows and take limits will not be included in the LWRP. Instead, the LWRP will refer to the relevant % of 7-day MALF.
Name |
Environmental flow (l/s) |
Take limit (l/s) |
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
River catchments with a mean flow ≤ 5,000 l/s and managed by default limits · Minimum flow set as 90% of 7-day MALF · Take limit set as 20% of 7-day MALF |
Afton Burn |
899 |
200 |
Yes |
Albert Burn (2) |
126 |
28 |
Yes |
Bay Burn |
177 |
39 |
Yes |
Bee Burn |
103 |
23 |
Yes |
Beethams Creek |
113 |
25 |
Yes |
Bells Creek |
750 |
167 |
Yes |
Black Gorge Creek |
1017 |
226 |
Yes |
Bobs Cove Creek (1) |
269 |
60 |
Yes |
Bobs Cove Creek (2) |
300 |
67 |
Yes |
Boundary Creek (1) |
422 |
94 |
Yes |
Boundary Creek (2) |
187 |
42 |
Yes |
Bricks Gully Creek |
187 |
42 |
Yes |
Buckler Burn |
1012 |
225 |
Yes |
Collins Creek |
811 |
180 |
Yes |
Craigie Burn |
325 |
72 |
Yes |
Dinner Creek |
102 |
23 |
Yes |
Dooleys Creek |
103 |
23 |
Yes |
East Wanaka Creek |
261 |
58 |
Yes |
Eight Mile Creek |
159 |
35 |
Yes |
Estuary Burn |
860 |
191 |
Yes |
Fast Burn |
680 |
151 |
Yes |
Fern Burn |
794 |
177 |
Yes |
Five Mile Creek (2) |
315 |
70 |
Yes |
Frankton Arm Creek (1) |
189 |
42 |
Yes |
Frankton Arm Creek (2) |
259 |
58 |
Yes |
Geordies Creek |
130 |
29 |
Yes |
Georges Creek (E) |
361 |
80 |
Yes |
Georges Creek (W) |
171 |
38 |
Yes |
Grindstone Creek |
49 |
11 |
Yes |
Halls Creek |
114 |
25 |
Yes |
High Burn |
183 |
41 |
Yes |
Horn Creek |
809 |
180 |
Yes |
Kidds Creek |
114 |
25 |
Yes |
Lake Dispute |
417 |
93 |
Yes |
Lake Face Creek |
113 |
25 |
Yes |
Little Hopwood Burn |
828 |
184 |
Yes |
Little Stony Creek |
112 |
25 |
Yes |
Lumberbox Creek |
123 |
27 |
Yes |
Marshall Creek |
204 |
45 |
Yes |
McGregor Creek |
130 |
29 |
Yes |
McKinlays Creek |
952 |
211 |
Yes |
Mick Creek |
198 |
44 |
Yes |
Mill Creek |
199 |
44 |
Yes |
Minaret Burn |
4179 |
1567 |
Yes |
Mount Burke Creek |
776 |
172 |
Yes |
One Mile Creek |
218 |
48 |
Yes |
Pink Gate Creek |
43 |
10 |
Yes |
Quartz Creek |
739 |
164 |
Yes |
Rocky Point Creek |
129 |
29 |
Yes |
Rods Creek |
159 |
35 |
Yes |
Rough Burn |
749 |
166 |
Yes |
Roys Peak Creek |
94 |
21 |
Yes |
Rumbling Burn |
810 |
180 |
Yes |
Sawyer Burn |
144 |
32 |
Yes |
Seven Mile Creek |
159 |
35 |
Yes |
Sheepskin Creek (2) |
245 |
54 |
Yes |
Shepherds Hut Creek |
103 |
23 |
Yes |
Silver Burn |
109 |
24 |
Yes |
Staircase Creek |
1120 |
249 |
Yes |
Station Creek |
138 |
31 |
Yes |
Stony Burn |
114 |
25 |
Yes |
Stony Creek (1) |
276 |
61 |
Yes |
Terrace Creek |
707 |
157 |
Yes |
The Neck Creek |
119 |
26 |
Yes |
Twelve Mile Creek |
899 |
200 |
Yes |
Twenty Five Mile Creek |
118 |
26 |
Yes |
Twenty Four Mile Creek |
842 |
187 |
Yes |
Waterfall Creek (1) |
316 |
70 |
Yes |
Waterfall Creek (2) |
180 |
40 |
Yes |
Wharf Creek |
88 |
20 |
Yes |
Whiskey Gully Creek |
144 |
32 |
Yes |
Wye Creek |
273 |
61 |
Yes |
Yards Gully Creek |
187 |
42 |
Yes |
River catchments with a mean flow > 5,000 l/s and managed by default limits · Minimum flow set as 80% of 7-day MALF · Take limit set as 30% of 7-day MALF |
Big Hopwood Burn |
6564 |
2461 |
Yes |
Dart River |
13523 |
5071 |
Yes |
Dingle Burn |
7946 |
2980 |
Yes |
Greenstone River |
10453 |
3920 |
Yes |
Hunter River |
10635 |
3988 |
Yes |
Lochy River |
5339 |
2002 |
Yes |
Makarora River |
13521 |
5070 |
Yes |
Matukituki River |
6460 |
2422 |
Yes |
Minaret Burn |
4179 |
1567 |
Yes |
Rees River |
8510 |
3191 |
Yes |
Timaru River |
4832 |
1812 |
Yes |
Von River |
1008 |
378 |
Yes |
Whiskey Gully Creek |
144 |
32 |
Yes |
Wye Creek |
273 |
61 |
Yes |
Yards Gully Creek |
187 |
42 |
Yes |
Name |
Environmental flow (l/s) |
Take limit (l/s) |
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
Bullock Creek |
400 |
20 |
Environmental levels and take limits for aquifers in the Upper Lakes rohe are shown in the table below.
Take limits are set based on either as a proportion of the mean annual recharge of that aquifer or where the aquifer is closely connected to a river or stream, the take limit and minimum flow of the rivers or stream. For the Glenorchy and Kington Aquifers a take limit is set as 35% of these aquifers’ mean annual recharge, while any taking of water from the Rees-Dart or Matukituki Alluvial Ribbon Aquifers will be subject to the take limits and minimum flows set for these Rees-Dart and Matukituki rivers.
Table 5 provides an estimate of the actual takes limit for the aquifer based on the default method using the best available information to determine the aquifer’s Mean Annual Recharge (MAR). The numeric take limit will not be included in the LWRP. Instead, the LWRP will refer to the relevant % of the MAR.
Name |
Environmental level(s) |
Take limit (volume in m3/year) |
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
Aquifers managed by default limits · Take limit: 35% Mean Annual Recharge |
Not required to be included in the new LWRP at this time |
1,316,243 |
Yes |
Kingston |
378,586 |
Yes |
For aquifers with a close hydraulic connection to a river or stream, such as the Rees-Dart and Matukituki alluvial aquifers, any water takes will be subject to the take limits and environmental flows set for these rivers.
Table 6 provides an overview of the environmental levels and take limits that apply to these aquifers.
Name |
Environmental level(s) |
Take limit |
Further allocation available (estimate based on best available information) |
Alluvial Ribbon Aquifers |
Subject minimum flow for Dart River catchment |
Subject to take limit for Dart River catchment |
Yes |
Subject minimum flow for Matukituki River catchment |
Subject to take limit for Matukituki River catchment |
Yes |
Outstanding water bodies are water bodies that have one or more outstanding values. National direction requires the Otago Regional Council to identify outstanding water bodies and protect their important values. The table below lists the outstanding water bodies in this rohe and describes their outstanding values.
Below is a map featuring all the water bodies in Otago.
You can zoom in and view the various water bodies in an area(s).
Water bodies are shown in a blue colour. Select an area to view the water body name.
(Note: if you are on a mobile device, after selecting a water body, tap on the arrow next to the 'X' icon to view more information.)
Unique identifier |
Site identifier |
Values and characteristics |
Ecology |
ECL1 |
Whakatipu Waimāori / Lake Wakatipu |
ECL2 |
Lake Wānaka |
ECL3 |
Rock Burn / Te Komama / Routeburn |
ECL4 |
Te Awamāeroero / Lochy River |
ECL5 |
Mātakitaki River |
ECL6 |
Makarore River |
ECL7 |
Hunter River |
ECL8 |
Dart River / Te Awa Whakatipu |
ECL9 |
Von River |
ECL10 |
Von Valley Wetland Management Area |
Physical |
PHY1 |
Te Hokaputu / Lake Harris and staircase of cirques |
PHY2 |
Routeburn Falls glacial stairway |
One of the two best examples of a glacial stairway in Aotearoa. It exhibits a range of glacial features including cirques and terminal moraine.
PHY3 |
Bridal Veil Stream pothole, Te Komama/Routeburn Track |
PHY4 |
Dart River delta |
Excellent example of a braided-river delta entering the head of a lake.
PHY5 |
Bridal Veil Falls, Rob Roy Stream, Mount Aspiring/Tititea |
PHY6 |
Makarore River delta |
PHY7 |
Motatapu gorge |
An extremely narrow, 2.5-metre-wide gorge.
PHY8 |
Twin Falls, Wānaka |
Best example of waterfalls flowing over the vertical sides of Mātakitaki glacial valley. Readily visible. Two falls, 200 metres apart, flow over 200 metres near vertical cliffs.
PHY9 |
Crucible Lake moraine-dammed lake |
An example of a moraine-dammed lake.
PHY10 |
Ōturu / Diamond Lake roche moutonee |
Recreation |
REC1 |
Earnslaw Burn |
REC2 |
Ōturu / Diamond Lake |
REC3 |
Whakatipu Waimāori / Lake Whakatipu |
REC4 |
Te Awamāeroero / Lochy River |
REC5 |
Von River |
REC6 |
Greenstone River |
REC7 |
Caples River |
REC8 |
Lake McKellar |
REC9 |
Kay Creek |
REC10 |
Fraser Creek |
REC11 |
Dart River / Te Awa Whakatipu upstream Park boundary |
REC12 |
Dart River / Te Awa Whakatipu downstream Park boundary |
REC13 |
Beans Burn |
REC14 |
Rock Burn |
REC15 |
Lake Sylvan |
REC16 |
Snowy Creek |
REC17 |
Whitbourn Creek |
REC18 |
Puahiri / Puahere / Rees River upstream of Hunter Creek |
REC19 |
Diamond Creek |
REC20 |
Lake Reid |
REC21 |
Te Komama / Routeburn incl Left and North Branches |
REC22 |
Te Hokaputu/Lake Harris |
REC23 |
Hunter River East and West Branch |
REC24 |
Ferguson Creek |
REC25 |
Long Flat Creek |
REC26 |
Scrubby Flat Creek |
REC27 |
Lake Wānaka |
REC28 |
Mātakitaki River upstream Cameron Flat |
REC29 |
Mātakitaki River West Branch (upstream of Aspiring Campsite) |
REC30 |
Rob Roy Stream |
REC31 |
Glacier Burn |
REC32 |
Makarore River – upstream Gorge |
REC33 |
Makarore River – downstream Gorge |
REC34 |
Blue River |
REC35 |
Lucidus Lake |
REC36 |
Ōtānenui / Wilkin River upstream Newland Stream, incl North & South Branch |
REC37 |
Ōtānenui / Wilkin downstream Newland Stream |
REC38 |
Te Awamakarara / Young River South Branch |
REC39 |
Siberia Stream |
REC40 |
Albert Burn |
REC41 |
Kitchener River |
Natural character |
NAT1 |
Dart River / Te Awa Whakatipu |
Active Bed
NAT2 |
Mātakitaki |
NAT3 |
Motatapu |
Active bed
NAT4 |
Makarore |
Active Bed
NAT5 |
Hunter |
Active Bed
Context Within Hāwea Conservation Park pristine, highly natural landscape context from the mountainous headwaters to the valley floors. Landscape Context within high-country stations includes extensively grazed land on the Hunter River valley floor, some of its tributaries and streams draining into Lake Hāwea. Areas of tussockland on mountain slopes in mid and lower catchment and native forest on slopes and in valleys in upper catchment. Settlement very limited with few buildings associated with high-country stations.
NAT6 |
Active Bed
NAT7 |
Remarkables |
Active Bed
Context |