Freshwater parts Hearing - pORPS 21 

On this page you will find information related to the hearings of submissions on the Proposed RPS (Freshwater parts). 

Hearings Panel

The Chief Freshwater Commissioner has appointed a panel to hear submissions on the proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement (Freshwater parts).

The members of the panel are:

  • Ron Crosby – Chair and Freshwater Commissioner
  • Bianca Sullivan – ORC nominated panel member
  • Allan Cubitt - ORC nominated panel member
  • Rauru Kirikiri - Tangata whenua nominated panel member

Notice of Hearing

DATE: Monday 28 August 2023

TIME: The hearing will commence at 9.30 am

VENUE: ORC Council Chambers, Level 2, Philip Laing House, corner Rattray and Princes Streets, Dunedin

Hearing Live stream

YouTube Live stream


Hearing Schedule

View the Hearing Schedule here


Hearing Panel Minutes and Decisions

Minute 1 dated 10 May 2023 - Directions of the Freshwater Hearings Panel

Minute 2 dated 29 May 2023 - Outlines amendments to the timetable 

Minute 3 dated 1 June 2023 - Further amendments to the timetable

Minute 4 dated 22 June 2023 - Outlines further amendments to the timetable and other evidential issues

Minute 5 dated 29 June 2023 - Time extension for particular parties to submit evidence

Minute 6 dated 07 July 2023 - Grant of Forest & Bird's request to be heard

Minute 7 dated 21 July 2023 - Timetable amendments for consideration to the NPSIB

Minute 8 dated 27 July 2023 - Hearing schedule and extension of time and cross examination requests

Minute 9 dated 29 August 2023 - Addresses considerations to the Supreme Court decision

Minute 10 dated 20 September 2023 - Panel considerations for ORC relating to hierarchies as well as addressing wetland definitions

Minute 11 dated 17 October 2023 - Final minute addressing the closing of the Freshwater Hearings process


Parties Correspondence with Panel

Memorandum of Counsel for Otago Regional Council regarding timetable dated 25 May 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Central Otago Wine Growers Association dated 31 May 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Forest & Bird dated 4 July 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Forest & Bird dated 25 July 2023

Application for Leave to Cross-Examine by the Otago Regional Council dated 26 July 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Otago Regional Council dated 11 August 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils

Memorandum of Counsel for B+LNZ re NPSIB dated 18 August 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for DG of Conservation re NPSIB dated 18 August 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Manawa Energy re NPSIB dated 18 August 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Meridian Energy Ltd re NPSIB dated 18 August 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for OWRUG, Federated Farmers, DairyNZ re NPSIB dated 18 August 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Meridian Energy dated 4 September 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Manawa Energy dated 7 September 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Dunedin City Council dated 13 September 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Horticulture New Zealand dated 13 September 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for McArthur Ridge Submitters dated 14 September 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Contact Energy dated 14 September 2023

Memorandum of Counsel for Kāi Tahu, regarding Minute 9 dated 15 September 2023

Submission on behalf of Forest and Bird in response to Minute 9 dated 15 September 2023

Submission of Counsel for OWRUG, regarding the Port Otago Decision dated 15 September 2023

Submission of Counsel for Transpower, regarding Port Otago Decision dated 15 September 2023


Section 42A Report and Evidence

Section 42A Report dated 2 June 2023

Section 42A Report Provisions dated 2 June 2023

Section 42A Report Appendices dated 2 June 2023


Responses to possible Implications of the NPSIB

FPI - Implications of the NPSIB (ORC) dated 11 August 2023


Responses to possible Implications of the Supreme Court Decision

Memorandum for the Otago Regional Council in response to submitters dated 29 September 2023

Memorandum for the Otago Regional Council in response to submitters (filed with the Non-Freshwater Hearing Panel) dated 29 September 2023


PORPS Reply Report

FPI Reply Report dated 15 September 2023

pORPS Reply Report Version dated 15 September 2023

Final pORPS Reply Report Version dated 10 October 2023


Supplementary Evidence 

Supplementary Evidence of Felicity Boyd dated 26 September 2023

Reply Evidence of Marcus Langman - Planning Response to the Hearing Panel regarding the Port Otago Decision dated 29 September 2023


Parties’ Primary Evidence


Submitter Author
Central Otago Winegrowers Association James Dicey
Central Otago Winegrowers Association Memorandum
Contact Energy Boyd Brinsdon
Contact Energy Claire Hunter
Contact Energy Claire Hunter Appendix B
Department of Conservation Bruce McKinlay
Department of Conservation Marine Richarson
Department of Conservation Murray Brass
Department of Conservation Nicholas Dunn
Department of Conservation Memorandum
Dunedin City Council James Taylor
Dunedin City Council Zoe Moffat
Fonterra Limited Katherine McCusker
Fonterra Limited Morgan Watt
Fonterra Limited Susannah Tait
Fonterra Limited Suzanne O'Rourke
Fulton Hogan Tim Ensor
Horticulture New Zealand Earnscy Weaver
Horticulture New Zealand Kris Robb
Horticulture New Zealand Leanne Roberts
Horticulture New Zealand Simon Webb
Horticulture New Zealand Stuart Ford
Horticulture New Zealand Vance Hodgson
Kāi Tahu Brendan Flack
Kāi Tahu Edward Ellison
Kāi Tahu Evelyn Cook
Kāi Tahu Justin Tipa
Kāi Tahu Maria Bartlett
Kāi Tahu Sandra McIntyre
Kāi Tahu Memorandum
Manawa Energy Memorandum
Manawa Energy Stephanie Styles
Meridian Energy Limited Memorandum
Oceana Gold New Zealand Alison Paul
Oceana Gold New Zealand Claire Hunter
Oceana Gold New Zealand Debbie Clarke
Oceana Gold New Zealand Shamubeel Eaqub
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Ami Coughlan
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Jayde Couper
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Nigel Paragreen
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils and Real Journeys Limited and NZSki Limited Ben Farrell
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils and Real Journeys Limited and NZSki Limited Memorandum
Otago Forestry Companies Lynette Baish
Otago Regional Council Tom Dyer
Otago Regional Council Attachment A
Otago Regional Council Attachment B
Otago Regional Council Attachment C
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Benjamin Patterson
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Mario Cadena
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Jenny McGimpsey
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Ian Lloyd
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Brendan Sheehan
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Miranda Hunter
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Simon Glennie
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Susan McKeague
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Kate Scott
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Mike Freeman
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Claire Perkins
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Tim O'Sullivan
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Richard Plunket
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Bruce Jolly
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Jeff Winmill
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Mike Lord
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Emma Crutchley
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Jo Hay
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Jeremy Anderson
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Kelly Heckler
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Luke Kane
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Logan Wallace
Otago Water Resource Users Group and Federated Farmers and Dairy New Zealand Randall Aspinall
Queenstown Lakes District Council Simon Mason
Ravensdown Carmen Taylor
Silver Fern Farms Limited John Kyle
Strath Clyde Water Limited and McArthur Ridge Investment Group Limited and Mount Dunstan Estates Limited and McArthur Ridge Vineyard Limited Dr David Jordan

Strath Clyde Water Limited and McArthur Ridge Investment Group Limited and Mount Dunstan Estates Limited and McArthur Ridge Vineyard Limited

Richard Johnson

The Fuel Companies Gavin McCullagh
Transpower New Zealand Ainsley McLeod
Transpower New Zealand Julia Kennedy
Transpower New Zealand Memorandum
Waka Kotahi Aileen Craw
Wise Response Society Barbara Beattie
Wise Response Society Michael Joy
Wise Response Society Michael Salinger
Wise Response Society Nathan Surendran
Wise Response Society Stephen Knight-Lenihan
Wise Response Society Hamish Rennie


Parties’ Rebuttal Evidence


Submitter Author
Forest & Bird Maggie Burns
Kāi Tahu Sandra McIntyre
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Jayde Couper
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Ami Coughlan
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Nigel Paragreen
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils, Realnz Limited, and NZSkiLimited Ben Farrell


Parties’ Supplementary Evidence

Submitter Author
Department of Conservation Murray Brass
Kāi Tahu Maria Bartlett
Kāi Tahu Sandra McIntyre
Manawa Energy Ltd Stephanie Styles
Meridian Energy Ltd Susan Ruston
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils Ben Farrell
Otago and Central South Island Fish and Game Councils

Jayde Couper

Oceana Gold Ltd Claire Hunter
Silver Fern Farms John Kyle
Transpower NZ Ltd Ainsley McLeod


Parties’ Material Presented at Hearing


Monday 28 August

ORC - Opening Submissions

ORC s42A Opening Statement - Felicity Boyd

ORC s42A Opening Statement - Jacqueline Todd

ORC RMIA Summary - James Adams

Kāi Tahu - Legal Submissions 

Kāi Tahu - Sandra McIntyre

Kāi Tahu - Edward Ellison 

Kāi Tahu - Justin Tipa

Kāi Tahu - Brendan Flack


Tuesday 29 August

OWRUG - Legal Submissions

OWRUG - Kelly Heckler

OWRUG - Joanna Hay 

OWRUG - Logan Wallace

OWRUG - Randall Aspinall

OWRUG - Claire Perkins

OWRUG - Kate Scott

The Fuel Companies - Gavin McCullagh


Wednesday 30 August

QLDC - Legal Submissions

Waka Kotahi - Aileen Craw 

COWA - Legal Submissions

Fish & Game - Legal Submissions

Fish & Game - Nigel Paragreen

Fish & Game - Jayde Couper

Fish & Game - Ben Farrell

Fish & Game - Ami Coughlan


Thursday 31 August

Real Group Limited - Ben Farrell

Manawa Energy Limited - Legal Submissions

Oceana Gold - Legal Submissions 

Oceana Gold - Debbie Clarke 

Oceana Gold - Alison Paul 


Monday 4 September

Dunedin City Council - Legal Submissions

Dunedin City Council - Zoe Moffat 

Dunedin City Council - James Taylor

City Forests, Earnslaw One, and Otago Forestry Companies - Glendhu paired catchment study

City Forests, Earnslaw One, and Otago Forestry Companies - Fahey & Payne 2017 Catchment hydrology 

City Forests, Earnslaw One, and Otago Forestry Companies - Evidence in reply of Tim Davie

Beef + Lamb NZ and Deer Industry NZ - Legal Submissions

Beef + Lamb NZ and Deer Industry NZ - Kate Scott

Beef + Lamb NZ and Deer Industry NZ - Claire Perkins 

Beef + Lamb NZ and Deer Industry NZ - Emma Crutchley 


Tuesday 5 September

Fonterra Limited - Legal Submissions 

Fonterra Limited - Katherine McCusker 

Fonterra Limited - Suzanne O'Rourke

Fonterra Limited - Morgan Watt

Fonterra Limited - Susannah Trait

Transpower NZ Limited - Legal Submissions 

Transpower NZ Limited - Appendix A

Transpower NZ Limited - Julia Kennedy 

Department of Conservation - Legal Submissions

Department of Conservation - Marine Richarson

Department of Conservation - Bruce McKinlay

Department of Conservation - Murray Brass


Wednesday 6 September

McArthur Ridge - Legal Submissions

Horticulture NZ - Legal Submissions

Horticulture NZ - Vance Hodgson

Horticulture NZ - Earnscy Weaver

Horticulture NZ - Simon Webb


Thursday 7 September

Forest and Bird - Legal Submissions

Forest and Bird - Maggie Burns 

Wise Response - Legal Submissions

Wise Response - Legal Submissions Table

Wise Response - Additional Information 

Wise Response - Turner Dairy Input vs Production


Closing Submissions

ORC FPI Closing Submissions dated 18 September 2023


Required documents

The documents here are all those required to be submitted by the Otago Regional Council to the Chief Freshwater Commissioner by s80A(4)(c) of the Resource Management Act 1991 and Clause 37(1) of the First Schedule to the Resource Management Act 1991.

Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement 2021

Read the proposed FPI parts of RPS 21 as a PDF


Section 32 Evaluation Report


Submissions on Proposed RPS 21 (FPI Parts)


Summary of Decisions Requested


Further submissions

Read all Further Submissions received


Schedule of Submissions or Further Submissions received after the closing date

  • View list of all Submissions and Further Submissions received after the closing date


Planning documents recognised by iwi


Obligations concerning iwi participation